The Diversity of Life

Links to Organisms

Rice paper butterfly on Penta,
          Photo by B. E. Fleury

Start Here:

For any organismal exploration try the Berkeley “ucmp” server. This fantastic site is a gateway to hundreds of web pages devoted to every type of critter:

The Tree of Life at the University of Arizona is another good starting point, with introductory information about many taxa and a detailed guide to their classification:
BIOSIS, the publisher of Biological Abstracts and Zoological Record, has a superb links library that gives you lengthy lists of links for just about any beast:
Some of these latin and greek words are real tongue twisters. Find a guide to pronunciation at:

If all else fails, try one or more of the search engines listed at the bottom of the page.


A good starting point is Harvard's collection of links, The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Evolution, at:
 And be sure to check out the National Academy of Sciences page on evolution and creationism at:
Check out Berkeley's exceptional exhibit on the history of evolutionary thought at:

Kingdom Bacteria

Cyanosite offers cyanobacteria researchers a small slice of heaven:

UCMP's introduction to cyanobacteria is available at:

Check out the latest word on the mysterious Archaeans at

Take a tour of the Microbe Zoo at the University of Michigan. Be sure to visit Dirtland:

Search the Microbial Underground for anything microbial and medical:

Kingdom Protista Find a who’s who of tropical diseases at the WHO (World Health Organization):
Find some good protist links at:

Kingdom Animalia


Way too much information about cnidarians at:
Jellyfish and still more jellyfish at:

Flatworms, and Rotifers

The Berkeley server has a good introduction to flatworms, with several interesting links:

Check out the U.S. F.D.A.’s manual of potential foodborne pathogens, known as the “bad bug book”, at:
As usual, a good starting point for rotifers, gastrotrichs and other “aschelminth” phyla is:
The WHO parasite page has lots of info on many of the critters in this lab, at:



Start by crawling to:

Politics isn’t the only career that thrives on dirty money. Learn all about the lucrative (but messy) business of vermiculture (worm ranching) at:
Find out way more than you probably wanted to know about leeches at: And be sure to check out the lovable leeches at:
Nematodes and Arthropods

Visit the home page of the Society of Nematologists at:

Stay hip with the latest revisions to nematodes at UCMP:

There are hundreds of arthropods waiting quietly in obscure corners of the web, ready to pounce on the unwary undergraduate and grab your attention. Where to start? The UCMP server is great for all groups except crustaceans:

An incredible wealth of material on spiders, scorpions, ticks and mites awaits you at the center of the arachnid web. Includes systematics, arachnid databases, stuff for kids, art, literature and movies:

Follow the silken strands to Online University's Arachnology Resources page,  lots of useful links:

Crustaceans crawl throughout the murky reaches of the cybersea. You'll find a good starting point at the home page of the Crustacean Society, which includes lots of links to these crunchy critters:
There are almost as many insect home pages as there are species of butterflies. A good place to start is Gordon's Entomological home page, which includes a wealth of links to all major orders, and lots of cool stuff about bugs:
Get the drop on jumping spiders at:
Find an faq on scorpions, including beaucoup links, at:
The power of lice compels you, so learn about ticks and mites and things that bite from the Lyme Disease Network's home page at:
Read the Cockroach Control Manual at:
Learn about the moths of North America at:
Order books, videos, caterpillars etc. at:
One of many pages dedicated to raising Painted Lady butterflies:


As always, a good place to start is:

For basic info and a prodigious list of echinoderm links, try the California Academy of Sciences echinoderm page:
Sea urchins come into their own at:


The following sites are merely a small sample of a very big quadrant of cyberspace:
Life is for the birds at:
Herps are us at:

And don't forget the dinosaurs:

Mushrooms in the
          Adirondacks, Photo by B. E. Fleury        Kingdom Fungi

You'll find a well-referenced guide to the latest discoveries about these curious creatures at the Tree of Life:

Mycology at LSU has a wealth of links to the Kingdom Fungi:

Check out the stunning fungal photography at Treasures from the Kingdom of Fungi

Visionary Mushrooms - one "shroom" makes you larger, and one "shroom" makes you small...

To eat or not to eat - sort out the edible fungi from their toxic kin at:

Kingdom Plantae
Rosebay Rhododendron, Great
              Smoky Mts., Photo by B. E. Fleury


For an exhaustive list of what's growing in cyberspace, check out the Internet Directory for Botany at:

Everything you learned about plant evolution is wrong! Check out the latest news from the Deep Green plant phylogeny project, the leafy equivalent of the Human Genome Project, as they rewrite the botany texts:

Lycopodium (club moss), Photo by B.
        E. Fleury                        Primitive Plants

Bryophyte taxonomy, images, and more at:

Get info about bryophytes from the Missouri Botanical Garden at:

Lie down among the ferns at the American Fern Society:
Basic info on ferns and fern allies, complete with images, courtesy of Texas A&M:

Look for ferns on the "tree of life" at

Learn about the role of ferns in forest ecology at:

Find photos and more of ferns and fern allies at:

Good basic info on non-flowering plants, with great pictures at:

Seed Plants - Gymnosperms

The Gymnosperm Database Home Page offers a wealth of information on individual species of gymnosperms, including copious links, at:

One stop shopping for info on cycads, courtesy of Sidney's Royal Botanical Gardens:

The Virtual Encyclopedia of cycads is - well - virtually encyclopedic!

Seed Plants - Angiosperms

Hey, don't badmouth those plants, some of those little fellows can really grow on you. Don't believe me? Check out the Parasitic Plant Connection:

Find out what plants are good for at Plants for a Future. The site includes a database of over 7,000 plants that are good to eat or useful in other ways:

You'll find an entire course of plant systematics served up still warm and online, courtesy of the University of Maryland:

Oooh, pretty pictures of angiosperms are waiting at

Get the scoop on how to grow and use herbs, including lots of herbal links, at:

Herbs are good for the body and the mind - stay naturally healthy, courtesy of the Herbal Information Center:

Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? Find out at Garden Web, the gateway to gardening online:

To search for more information on organisms, try one of the following sites or search engines. Try both common and scientific names in your search.

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This page was last updated on 8/21/07