Русский язык 102

Урок 7.1

27 Jan


For Monday, February 2


Study video and its text, pp. 282-283 and please write the answers to  A, Б, В in the workbook.


See video vocab in the last handout and learn the text well.


Learn the words meaning 'study':

учиться 'be enrolled in school' (review conjug.)

учить 'learn' + acc

заниматься 'hit the books, study' (uses no object) (see textbook 284)


Discussions for this lesson are (1) Sveta's system (2) discussion of when to have the housewarming and whom to invite. You will need to gradually learn relevant vocab (see below).


Tuesday, Feb 3


Consider Sveta's explanation of her index cards. The English words she has already learned (уже выучила) are in one pile, the others, which she still has to study and learn (ещё нужно учить и выучить) are in the other. Выучить is perfective aspect, учить, imperfective. Here is a schematic of how this works semantically.


Aspect of Verbs



учИть - Учат (imperfective - I)                                         to study, learn something

учУ Учишь Учит Учим Учите Учат

уЧи! учИте!


вЫучить - вЫучат (perfective - P)                               to succeed in learning, memorize, know; to study through, learn to the end

вЫучу вЫучишь вЫучит вЫучим вЫучите вЫучат

вЫучи! вЫучите!








infinitive (tenseless)










буду учить






I am studying, I do study, I study



I studied, was studying, used to study, did study, worked on

I have studied (and learned), I memorized, I learned, I have learned


I'll study, I'll be studying, I'll be working on studying, I'll be trying to learn

I shall learn, I shall finish memorizing, I shall master, I will get it


All verbs in Russian have this aspectual opposition. Now we focus on the infinitive and past tense.


Consider the discussion of aspect theory, pp. 286-290. Look at exercises 7 and 8, p. 289. Concentrate on theory. Please do workbook exer. Е, Ж, З, К.


Learn (вы)учить, how it's used, what it means. It will serve as a model.


Weds, Feb 4.


Relevant vocab:


Adverbs associated with I (impfv.)










каждый день

every day

Adverbs (often) associated with past P



already (learned all the words)


recently (invited Jim)

Two more P/I pairs:


прочитать прочитают (P)

read through, finish reading

написать напишут (P)

write, write down, finish writing

приходи к нам

come to our place

приходи в гости

come to visit

ещё раз

once again

приглашать приглашают (I)

invite (be in the act, the process; often invite(d), used to invite)

кого ещё приглашаешь

who else are you inviting (to the upcoming party)

пригласить (P)

invite (one time)

кого ещё можно пригласить

whom else could we invite

я хочу пригласить Джима, я люблю его

I want to invite Jim (to this party), I love him (thinks Tania)


Consider parts of the day designations, p. 291.





in the morning


in the evening


in the afternoon


in the evening

сегодня утром

this morning

сегодня днём

this afternoon

сегодня вечером

this evening

вчера утром

yesterday evening



завтра вечером

tomorrow evening



в 7 часов вечера

at 7 pm

в 4 часа утра

at 3 am

в час дня

at 1 pm


What is the etymology of завтра?

Listen to the lab tapes and practice distinguishing вчера, вечер, вечера, вечером. Very difficult for us and typically Russian.


Please do workbook exers И, Л, М, О, Р.

Thank you for your attention.


Friday, Feb 6.


Quiz on 7.1: Video, dialogues, vocab and structure in this handout.


Translate for practice for quiz:


1. Last night I learned my English vocab.

2. Sveta graduated from nursing school.

3. The housewarming will be on Sunday at four pm.

4. Yesterday I read, listened to music, and watched the Superbowl.

5. Yesterday I wrote a letter to Dad.

6. Every day I invite people to housewarmings.

7. Did Sveta invite Lena Silina??

8. Where do you usually study?

9. Zhenia studies at Tulane University.

10. I have finished reading War and Peace! (Война и мир, use acc)

11. Have you already learned that?


Key vocabulary: пригалсить 'to invite', p. 335, прочитать 'to read through' p. 334, написать 'to write', p. 333, кончить 'to finish', p. 334.

Урок 7.2


Students, this is a brief handout containing only the assignment for Monday, 9 Feb.


Please audit the lengthy text, pp. 297-8 (on your text tape). Do exer. 1, p. 298-9. Then do exer workbook A, which has to do with telephone numbers.


A key grammatical point here is explained in 7.2, p. 299.

Learn: начAть 'begin' (P), past tense нАчал, началА, нАчало, нАчали.

Начинать (I) 'begin' is like читать. The P is basic and means a single instance of beginning (Tolstoy began work on War and Peace…); I is either process (I was beginning when…) or repetition (I usually begin…).


Please answer:


Когда у Саши начал работать телефон?

Почему у Лены телефон, который недавно начал работать, так часто звонит?


Ponder (in English): What sort of personality does Наталья Ивановна have?

What does справночная mean and how is it declined? Do you know other words like this formally?