Русский язык 203

For Monday 31 August

(If you read this in time!!)

Please learn the vocabulary lists, esp. perf-imperf verbs and the adverbs associated with imperfect (иногда, часто) and then the list that starts утром...

Сегодня утром                     this morning

Завтра вечером                    tomorrow evening

Вчера днём                                yesterday afternoon (etc)

Do workbook И Л М О Р

And – if time permits – try the English to Russian translations!!


WeĠll finish up 7.1 on Tuesday, reexamining P-I interrelations in the past tense, and supporting adverbials.

If there is no objection, IĠd like to do 7.2 before we begin the red book (красная книга), Том Два, Lesson 8.  Please, please make sure you have the textbook and the workbook (учебник и рабочая тетрадка).

