SPAN 4350.01, Computational Culture in Spanish
Primavera 2015: MWF 2:00 - 2:50 in NH 4

Prof. Harry Howard
howard at tulane dot edu
(504) 862-3417 (voice mail 24 hours a day)
Horas de consulta: MTW 3-4 & por cita previa en Newcomb Hall 322-D

Course language: As in almost all of the courses offered with the SPAN prefix, this one is taught in Spanish.

Overview: Computational Culture in Spanish teaches you how to use digital Spanish text to learn about Spanish culture. Hopefully you'll finish the semester with some practical knowledge about solving cultural problems, such as techniques for identifying the author of a text from the statistics of the words that he or she uses or identifying the mood of a population by what it discusses on Twitter. You will also become familiar with a computer programming language called Python, which is easy to learn and makes doing many tasks with digital text rather simple.


Outcomes: For you to demonstrate your attainment of these objectives, you will perform the following tasks:

Equivalencia de notas

89.5-91.4 A-

91.5-100 A

79.5-81.4 B-

81.5-87.4 B

87.5-89.4 B+

69.5-71.4 C-

71.5-77.4 C

77.5-79.4 C+

59.5-61.4 D-

66.5-67.4 D

67.5-69.4 D+

0-59.4 F

Code of Academic Integrity

“The integrity of Newcomb-Tulane College is based on the absolute honesty of the entire community in all academic endeavors. As part of the Tulane University community, students have certain responsibilities regarding work that forms the basis for the evaluation of their academic achievement. Students are expected to be familiar with these responsibilities at all times. No member of the university community should tolerate any form of academic dishonesty, because the scholarly community of the university depends on the willingness of both instructors and students to uphold the Code of Academic Conduct. When a violation of the Code of Academic Conduct is observed it is the duty of every member of the academic community who has evidence of the violation to take action. Students should take steps to uphold the code by reporting any suspected offense to the instructor or the associate dean of the college. Students should under no circumstances tolerate any form of academic dishonesty.” For further information, point your browser at Violations of the Code of Academic Integrity will not be tolerated in this class. I will rigorously investigate and pursue any such transgression.

Students with disabilities who need academic accommodation should:

Programa de la primavera de 2015
Date Day
Topic Assignment P ppt mp3
Ene 12 (M) 1
Presentación del curso Instalación de Python de Anaconda   PowerPoint
14 (W) 2
Las cadenas 1 ¿Qué es?, Las cadenas 1
16 (F) 3
Las cadenas 2
19 (M)  
Festivo MLK

21 (W) 4
Las cadenas 3
23 (F) 5
Las cadenas 4
26 (M) 6
Las expresiones regulares 1
P1 --

28 (W) 7
Las expresiones regulares 2
  PowerPoint Podcast
30 (F) 8
Las expresiones regulares 3
  PowerPoint Podcast
Feb 2 (M) 9
Las expresiones regulares 4
P2 PowerPoint Podcast
4 (W) 10
  PowerPoint Podcast
6 (F) 11
Las listas 1
  PowerPoint Podcast
9 (M) 12
Las listas 2 y los archivos en línea 1   P3 PowerPoint Podcast
11 (W) 13
Los archivos en línea 2
  PowerPoint Podcast
13 (F) 14
16 (M)


18 (W) 15
El control 1     PowerPoint Podcast
20 (F) 16
El control 2     PowerPoint Podcast
23 (M) 17
El control 3   P4 PowerPoint Podcast
25 (W) 18
Scripts y funciones     PowerPoint Podcast
27 (F) 19
Páginas web y blogs 1
  PowerPoint Podcast
Mar 2 (M) 20
Los archivos en línea 2

4 (W) 21
Los archivos en línea 3

6 (F) 22
La estadística de texto 1


9 (M) 23
La estadística de texto 2

11 (W) 24
La estadística de texto 3

13 (F) 25
La estadística de texto 4

16 (M) 26
La estadística de texto 5

18 (W) 27
La estadística de texto 6

20 (F) 28
Tuiter 1

23 (M)  29
Tuiter 2

25 (W) 30
Tuiter 3

27 (F) 31


30 (M)


Abr 1 (W)


  3 (F)


6 (M) 32
Páginas web y blogs 2   P9

8 (W) 33

10 (F) 34
YouTube 2    

13 (M) 35

15 (W) 36
Facebook 2    

17 (F) 37
Cultura computacional

20 (M) 38
Cultura computacional   P11

22 (W) 39
Cultura computacional    

24 (F) 40
Cultura computacional    

27 (M) 41

May 1 (F) --
DIA DEL EXAMEN FINAL 10-12 Presentación de proyectos a la clase  

Additional Readings

Go back to Harry Howard's home page

Incepción: 16-ago-2009. Última revisión: 11-ene-2015. HH