Computational Neuroscience, NSCI 491, Fall 2007
Day and time: F 2-3, sometimes M 2-3
Newcomb Hall 442
Professor Harry Howard

Newcomb Hall 322D
Office hours: TR 12:30-1:30, W 11-12 & by appointment
Code of Academic Integrity
“The integrity of Newcomb-Tulane College is based on the absolute
honesty of the entire community in all academic endeavors. As part of the
Tulane University community, students have certain responsibilities regarding
work that forms the basis for the evaluation of their academic achievement.
Students are expected to be familiar with these responsibilities at all times.
No member of the university community should tolerate any form of academic
dishonesty, because the scholarly community of the university depends on
the willingness of both instructors and students to uphold the Code of Academic
Conduct. When a violation of the Code of Academic Conduct is observed it
is the duty of every member of the academic community who has evidence of
the violation to take action. Students should take steps to uphold the code
by reporting any suspected offense to the instructor or the associate dean
of the college. Students should under no circumstances tolerate any form
of academic dishonesty.” For further information, point your browser at
Violations of the Academic Honor Code will not be tolerated in this class.
I will rigorously investigate and pursue any such transgression.
Students with disabilities who need academic accommodation should:
- Contact and register with the Office of Disability Services (ODS). For more information,
visit the ODS website at
- Bring
official notice to me from the ODS indicating that you need academic
accommodation. This should be done within the first week of class.
Fall 2007 Schedule
Day 1 (Sept 10): Introduction
Day 2 (Sept 17): Conductances and the Hodgkin-Huxley model 
- intro material for GENESYS or NEURON simulators
- Howard (2004:84-99) in pdf
Day 3 (Sept 24): more on the Hodgkin-Huxley model, simplifications

- Howard (2004:99-113) in pdf
Day 4 (Oct 5): Sensory cortex and Hebbian learning, 1

Integration of signals, Howard (2004:113-141) in pdf
Day 5 (Oct 8): Sensory cortex and Hebbian learning, 2 
Day 6 (Oct 12): Sensory cortex and Hebbian learning, 3 
Day 7 (Oct 15): Sensory cortex and Hebbian learning, 4 
Day - (Oct 22): The hippocampus
Day 8 (Oct 29): Motor cortex, the basal ganglia, and reinforcement
learning, 1
Day 9 (Nov 5): Motor cortex, the basal ganglia, and reinforcement
learning, 2
Day 10 (Nov 12): Motor cortex, the cerebellum, and error correction,
Day 11 (Nov 19): Motor cortex, the cerebellum, and error correction,
Day 12 (Nov 26): Misc
Day 13 (Dec 3): Misc
Inception: Oct. 9, 2007. Last revision:
October 22, 2007
. HH