Courses taught by the McLachlan Lab

Immunology for first year medical students (IMMU-2001)

Offered to Tulane Medical students in the late spring each year

Course director: James McLachlan



The course Immunology is designed to provide a basis of terminology relevant to the basic concepts of immunology. It commences with the important components (cell, tissues; antibodies; immunoglobulin) involved in host defense against infectious agents. Introductory lectures serve to describe and differentiate between natural defense (innate) mechanisms and adaptive immunity mediated by functional B and T lymphocytes and their products. Subsequently, cellular interactions, especially the differentiation of helper T cells subsets and the production of relevant cytokines, will be described. This will include the mechanisms of T cell activation and regulation. Finally, clinical immunology will be discussed: autoimmunity and autoimmune diseases; hypersensitivity reactions, including atopic disorders and asthma; mechanisms of transplant rejection; and immunodeficiency disorders.


IMMU-2001 Syllabus

Advanced Immunology  (MIIM-7620)

Offered to select students (who have previously taken immunology) in the spring every other year

Course director: James McLachlan



The class will be broken into 13 blocks consisting of two meetings per week. The first block will be a lecture based review session on key immune concepts. The rest of the course will be entirely discussion based. Prior to class, the instructor will email papers for the following week’s class. Students are expected to have read and be prepared to discuss any papers that have been sent. The first class of each week will consist of a historically important paper for that week’s topic. The second class will be a discussion of a more recent high impact paper from the field and how that work fits into the overall history of immunology and our recent understanding of immunity. Students will be called on in class to discuss specific figures, results, discussion, etc. from each paper.


MIIM-7620 Syllabus

Copyright ©McLachlan Lab 2020

Twitter: @McLachlanLab