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Welcome to the site of

Mauro Porto

My Book (in Portuguese)

In this site you will find information about my teaching and research actitivies. I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication of Tulane University, New Orleans, United States. At Tulane, I am also associated to the Stone Center for Latin American Studies and to the Brazilian Studies Program. My areas of interest include: political communication; television and politics in Brazil; media and democracy in Latin America; media and political representation.

Click on one of links in the main menu to access some of my articles and book chapters, my curricullum vitae (.pdf format), syllabi of my couses, and my page with links about political communication. Don´t forget to leave a message in my Guest Book.

My Texts
Vitae (pdf format)
Guest Book

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since November 2001.
Updated on August 9, 2010.
| Texto em Português |
Contact me at:
Department of Communication
Tulane University
219 Newcomb Hall
New Orleans, LA 70118-5698
Phone: (1-504) 862.3037
Fax: (1-504) 862.3040
Click here to send me an email