Comments on behalf of GreenARMY, Louisiana Environmental Action Network, Willie Fontenot, and Oneil Couvillion to the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (Opposing the creation of a water quality trading program which would allow facilities to discharge pollution into Louisiana waters in excess of what the law allows by buying credit from another source of pollution) (192-001) (Feb. 28, 2018)
Comments to LDEQ on behalf of the Louisiana Environmental Action Network and others opposing an LDEQ permit for uncontrolled releases of mercury from the Noranda Alumina, LLC/Gramercy Holdings I, LLC alumina processing Plant (the “Plant”) located in St. James, Parish between Gramercy and Mt. Airy, Louisiana. (101-124) (June 8, 2017)
Comments to LDEQ on behalf of the Louisiana Environmental Action Network (Seeking reform of a Clean Air Act permit for Oxbow Calcining, LLC’s petroleum coke calcining plant in Baton Rouge because (1) emission exemptions violate the Clean Air Act (2) and monitoring requirements do not assure compliance with permit limits. (101-134) (May 17, 2016)
Comments on behalf of Save Our Hills et al. to the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (Opposing a Clean Water Act § 401 water quality certification for a Southern Aggregates LLC proposed sand and gravel mine adjacent to the Oak Hills residential subdivision in Livingston Parish, Louisiana) (184-001) (April 21, 2015)
Comments on behalf of Save Our Hills et al. to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Opposing issuance to Southern Aggregates LLC of a Clean Water Act § 404 permit for destruction of 12.91 acres of wetlands in conjunction with a sand and gravel mine adjacent to the Oak Hills residential subdivision in Livingston Parish, Louisiana, and urging the Corps to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)) (184-001) (Mar. 30, 2015)
Comments on behalf of the Town of Abita Springs to the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (Opposing the application of Helis Oil & Gas Co., LLC for a drilling permit to drill a vertical exploratory well and then a horizontal well for hydraulic fracturing, based on failure to conduct an environmental impact statement, violation of local zoning laws, risks to the drinking water aquifer, geologic faults in the proposed drill area and other unmitigated risks of the proposal (183-001) (Nov. 19, 2014)