The New Orleans Protein Folding Intergroup
(NOProFIG), founded in January 1999, is composed of New Orleans
area academic research laboratories from Tulane University, Xavier
University, Loyola University, LSU Health Sciences Center, and the
University of New Orleans, whose members share a common interest
in protein structure and folding. Our year-round, biweekly
meetings are dedicated primarily to the discussion of current
research in member laboratories, and to the dissemination of
important research news from conferences and scientific
Meetings held on every
other Thursday from 5-7 pm
(show up no later than 5:15PM,
presentation starts no later than 5:30PM)
Meeting location:
Monroe Hall, 1st
floor, Rm. 152
Loyola University
New Orleans, LA
Map to location
What to Bring:
The presenter is responsible for bringing in snacks and
drinks (traditonally pizza and soft drinks or beer). Bring
your powerpoint file on a flash drive.
E-mail list serve: