William C. Wimley  -   Department of Biochemistry, Tulane University Health Sciences Center

Welcome to Dr Wimley's Labarotory Personnel Page!


Our laboratories are located in the Tulane Medical School here in Downtown New Orleans, LA.

The Wimley Group

Our Group: Joshua Rausch, Ramesh Rathinakumar, Bill Wimley (PI), Christopher Bishop, Thomas Freeman.

We are expecting more friendly faces....check back for updates!

The Wimley Lab

 We synthesize, purify and study peptides and stuidy their interactions with membranes.

Have a look around the labs....

Circ Dichro Spec

This is our JASCO 810 Circular Dichroism Spectrometer, Courtesy of the Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund
The Waters HPLC is a workhorse!
Fluor Spec

This is our SLM-Aminco Model 8100 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer.
Roto Vac
This is the vacuum workstation where we rotovap and lyophilize many of our peptides.


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