Jen-sie Tou

Phospholipid Synthesis and Degradation in Inflammatory Cells

Associate Professor of Biochemistry
Ph.D. (Tulane, 1968)
Phone: (504) 584-2456
FAX: (504) 584-2739
1430 Tulane Ave., Box SL-43
New Orleans LA 70112

Research Interests

My lab is interested in the biological functions and metabolism of phospholipids. My research deals with phospholipid synthesis and degradation in inflammatory cells. We are currently studying the formation of alkenylacyl-phosphatidic acid through phospholipase D activation in human neutrophils upon stimulation with bioactive lipids and cytokines. I am also studying the function of this plasmalogen-rich phosphatidic acid during neutrophil activation and inflammation.


List of recent publications.

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