Biochemistry 601
September 1, 1999 Analysis of Hydropathy and Sequence Conservation
Last modified 8/17/99.
Dr. Landry
Rm. 6055
You will need to use the ClustalW
sequence-alignment software either by remote execution or on your own CPU.
You can obtain the ClustalW
software in a zip file that must be saved to disk, unzipped with pkunzip,
and then the resulting self-extracting file executed.
The assignment has three parts. Parts 1 and 2 must be turned in by Sept.
8. Part 3 will be presented on Sept. 10.
Characterize the most hydrophilic and most hydrophobic 9-residue segments
of a protein
Is the segment buried or exposed?
Is it in an alpha helix or a beta sheet or other secondary structure?
Characterize the most conserved 9-residue segment of a protein.
Is it buried or exposed?
Is it near an active site?
Make a brief presentation to the class about a protein (not necessarily
the same protein used for parts 1 and 2), providing the following information:
Name, function
Taxonomic distribution
Subcellular localization
Principal structural features, including secondary structure (alpha, beta,
alpha/beta, alpha+beta, irregular) and fold (TIM barrel, etc.)
Quaternary structure
Any known or speculated structure-function relationships (e.g., rope-like
property of collagen triple-helix)
Ideally you would carry out parts 1 and 2 on the same protein. So we will
start by finding a suitable protein.
Identify a protein having the following two (2) characteristics
the crystal structure is available in the PDB
homologous proteins have been characterized for organisms in two kingdoms
which are different from the one containing the organism that yielded the
PDB file.
For example, my PDB file is for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast)
enolase. It's PDB ID code is 1EBG. Luckily, the PDB file contains its Swiss-Prot
entry name: ENO1_YEAST. I check the Swiss-Prot database for homologous
proteins from bacteria, plants, etc, by searching with "enolase". I find
ENO2_MAIZE (corn) and ENOA_ANAPL (duck), among others. Note that some enzymes
and proteins having similar names may have little or no evolutionary relationship,
e.g. polymerase, dehydrogenase. You may have to be more specific, e.g.
DNA polymerase, pyruvate dehydrogenase.
Copy the accession number for the protein in the PDB file (P00924 for yeast
enolase); and write down the numbers for the other two sequences (P26301
and P19140 in my case).
Go to "ExPASy", then "Tools", then
Paste your accession number in the space provided
Confirm that "Hphob. / Kyte & Doolittle" is selected, and leave the
rest as default.
When ExPASy asks if you want to select a certain portion of the sequence,
leave the spaces blank and do the entire sequence. "Submit" again.
ExPASy should return the hydropathy plot for a 9-residue averaging window.
Identify the maximum (most hydrophobic) and minimum (most hydrophilic).
Go back to the Swiss-Prot entry for your PDB file and copy the whole page,
from "ID" through "//".
Go to the ClustalW Multiple
Sequence Alignment site and paste in the box. Hint: It's easier go back
and forth if you open a new browser
Go back to one of the Swiss-Prot entries from different kingdoms, copy.
Paste immediately below the first sequence in the ClustalW box.
Same thing one more time.
Step on "Run ClustalW"
When the result comes back. Step on the ***.aln file with the right mouse
button (hold-down on Macs?) and select "Save Link As..." Save the file
to disk (If it's someone else's hard disk, remember to clean up after yourself).
Open the saved file in an editor, change the font to 9-point "Courier New",
and identify the 9-residue sequence with the most asterisks.
View the PDB file for your protein in RasMol. [preferably as an outside
Go to the Rasmol command line and select one of your 9-residue segments
(my most hydrophilic segment was roughly residues 45-55, so I typed "select
Color it red ("color red").
Do the same with other segments using different colors.
Answer the questions.
End of document