Erika M. Chelales
I am from Indianapolis, Indiana and am an undergraduate student studying Biomedical Engineering at Tulane University. My research in Dr. Khismatullin's Biomedical Acoustics Laboratory is focused on
rheological assessment of fluid using acoustic tweezing thromboelastometry. I have developed MATLAB programs for analysis of both experimental videos and images. I am currently completing my undergraduate thesis,
presenting the findings from our experiments.
In addition to my research, I am involved in Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and the SSE Undergraduate Mentor Program Coordinator. Additionally, I spend a lot of my time teaching as a Lab Instructor for a MATLAB coding
class and as a Supplemental Instructor for Statics and Electric Circuits classes. I enjoy living in New Orleans and am an active runner. I also love trying out new restaurants and going to festivals.
Curriculum Vitae
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