Final project¶
The task¶
revise to include Wikipedia revision history
Improve a Wikipedia article about any topic broadly related to neurolinguistics, or start a new one:
Add 1-2 pages of new material, including references.
Wikipedia lacks summary material. A summary table would be nice, if appropriate.
Highlight your additions to the article. You can do this in one of two ways:
Save the article to a digital document and highlight your additions with an app that edits such documents, or
print the article and highlight your additions with a highlighting marker.
Write a short essay (1-2 pages) explaining what you did and why you did it.
DEADLINE: Monday, Dec 18 at 1 pm.
Turn in both documents to me by the deadline. You can do this in one of three ways:
Email me the digital documents by the deadline. Or
leave printouts in my mailbox in 302 Newcomb Hall before the deadline, or
bring printouts to me here in the classroom at the deadline.
Labeling conventions
The Wikipedia document should be first, labeled with your name, the class, and my name.
The digital documents should be named yourlastname17-shorttitle, e.g. Howard17-Coprolalia.
The printouts should be stapled together.
Become an insta-pundit with Google Scholar¶
Search Google Scholar for planum temporale gender.
How to do stuff with Wikipedia¶
How to edit a Wikipedia article¶
add content
How to see your edits on Wikipedia¶
Open Speech perception. At the top right there is a series of tabs which defaults to Read. Click on View history, which when I did this, produced this page:

Fig. 127 Revision history for “Speech perception”, 2018-01-31.¶
Screenshot from Wikipedia.
My student posted her revisions on 20:37 15 December 2017 and 20:00 15 December 2017. The former is tagged with (+4) in green, the latter with (+5,884) in green. The numbers are a count of characters in the revision; green means added, red means erased.
20:00 15 December 2017 contains the bulk of her work, so let’s look at it by clicking on it. It opens to the version of the article that contains the revisions. To compare it to the previous version of the article, under the red box at the top, click on the (diff) in (diff) ← Previous revision. This opens a page that begins like this:

Fig. 128 Difference between two revisions of “Speech perception”.¶
Screenshot from Wikipedia.
By comparing the left column to the right, you can see that the heading for Parkinson’s disease was not altered, but all the material for Agnosia was added, and so on.
How to save Wikipedia to pdf¶
Your web browser should make this easy by having an item under its File menu, like Safari Export as PDF….
In Canvas: BrLg-SampleFinalProject.pdf
Articles edited by the Fall 2017 class:
Last edited Aug 22, 2023