Teaching Schedule
Question: Why take an online course?
Answer: Online learning offers many advantages at the same time researchers have concluded there is no significant difference when it comes to the quality of the learning experience when online courses are compared to traditional face-to-face courses — see the “No Significant Difference Phenomenon” by Thomas L. Russell companion web site.
Looking specifically at the advantages of online learning:
Watch the video @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTArd5yfRnc
Question: Is online learning for you?
Answer: At the same time online learning is appealing to many students, some students continue to prefer face-to-face learning. When considering whether online learning is right for you, keep in mind how distance learning cannot provide the same types of friendships and extracurricular activities/learning that are typical in campus-based classes.
Also, in addition to the minimum computer and software capabilities listed above, each student enrolled in an Internet-based course will need:
Spring 2017
Organizational Behavior -- BSMT 3340, section 10 (A completely online course) -- This course is an introduction to how organizations function. The student will develop abilities to diagnose and respond more flexibly in organizations they participate in and explore and reflect critically on key themes in modern organizations. Major emphasis is placed on teams, globalization and diversity, interpersonal and group communication, organizational cultures and negotiating the fit between the individual and the organization.
Introduction to Marketing -- BSMK 3200, section 10 (A completely online course) -- A study of our present-day marketing system from a managerial point of view. Subjects covered include products, consumers, promotion, channels of distribution, market research, pricing, marketing, feasibility analysis, marketing law, and international marketing. The majority of class time is spent e-discussing solutions to marketing cases by the application of marketing principles.
Economics for Nonmajors -- CSEC 1000, section 10 (A completely online course) -- Students enrolled in this course will study the basic theories and techniques of both microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics is the study of individual actors in the economy, including households, business firms, and governments. Macroeconomics is concerned with the behavior of the entire economy, including total output, total employment, and the overall price level. To learn more, click here to watch the video clip entitled, "Why Study Economics?".
Economics of Health and Wellness -- HLWL-3600-10 (A completely online course) -- Starting with a review of basic economics concepts, this course provides an introduction to the application of economic theory to the field of health and wellness. In particular, students will study the individual as a producer of health/wellness and as a consumer of healthcare services. Also, the role of physicians, hospitals, insurance providers, and the government in the health and medical care marketplace will be examined. Finally, the role of universal insurance and international comparisons of the efficiency and effectiveness of health care systems will be studied.
Summer 2017
Business Ethics [BSMT 3380, section 10 (Online) -- [A completely online course.] A theoretical critique and case oriented analysis of the moral, ethical, and value issues that challenge business, industry, and corporate life. Further, students enrolled in this course are encouraged to work towards discovering ethical principles and strategies applicable to the management process. To learn more, click here to watch the video clip entitled, "Why Study Business Ethics?"
Economics of Health and Wellness [HLWL-3600-10 (Online)] -- [A completely online course.] Starting with a review of basic economics concepts, this course provides an introduction to the application of economic theory to the field of health and wellness. In particular, students will study the individual as a producer of health/wellness and as a consumer of healthcare services. Also, the role of physicians, hospitals, insurance providers, and the government in the health and medical care marketplace will be examined. Finally, the role of universal insurance and international comparisons of the efficiency and effectiveness of health care systems will be studied.
Economics for Nonmajors [CSEC 1000, section 10 (Online) -- [A completely online course.] Students enrolled in this course will study the basic theories and techniques of both microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics is the study of individual actors in the economy, including households, business firms, and governments. Macroeconomics is concerned with the behavior of the entire economy, including total output, total employment, and the overall price level. To learn more, click here to watch the video clip entitled, "Why Study Economics?".