ResumeEducationPh.D. -- Administration, Curriculum, and Instruction, Concentration in Educational Leadership and Higher Education, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. (Dissertation: "Technology Selection and Marketing Activities in Higher Education Patenting and Technology Transfer") M.A. -- Economics, Concentration in Public Economics, The American University, Washington, D.C. B.A. -- Political Science and Economics, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. Teaching ExperienceProfessor of Practice, Tulane University - Currently teaching business ethics, marketing, and economics courses via a distance education format. Adjunct Lecturer, Southeastern Louisiana University - Taught beginning microeconomics and macroeconomics courses via a distance education format. Adjunct Instructor, Montgomery College (Rockville, Maryland) -Taught macroeconomics. Work ExperienceSenior Financial Economist (4 years) - Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President of the United States, Washington, D.C. Completed projects include performing an economic analysis on the sale of federal loan assets, developing an alternative methodological approach to measuring federal credit program subsidies (this project was aimed at gaining congressional support for the Administrations credit reform proposal) and preparing issue papers for the Directors Credit Review. Economist (6 years) - United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Completed research includes a quantification of the relationship between international transportation and the competitiveness of U.S. wheat exports in world markets, a study on the feasibility of a transportation oriented export trading company, an evaluation of the cargo reservation issues affecting U.S. agriculture, and an analysis of the ability of the world's merchant fleet to provide adequate and reasonably priced transportation services to the year 2000. Small Business ExperienceMcLennan Consulting, Inc. An economics consulting firm specializing in researching and reporting on business and education issues, including analyzing policy options and forming and maintaining data bases. Completed projects include serving as an economics consultant on a National Science Foundation (NSF) study. The NSF study report was entitled "Science Education Programs--A Moving Finish Line" (1993). Founder of Louisiana Fine Art - an Internet domain that previously promoted art in the state of Louisiana. |
Last modified: May 26, 2008 |