Brian AshfordXavier University,  Biology major
Mentor:  Dr. Michael Schurr, Microbiology and Immunology Department
Project:  "Cytotoxicity of Psuedomonas aeruginosa on Lung Epithelial Cells"

John Danzell: 
Xavier University,  Biology major
Dr. Duncan Irschick, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department
Project:  "The Effects of Loading on Animal Acceleration"

April Dennis: Dillard University,  Physics/Engineering  major
Mentor: Dr. Abdalla Darwish, Dillard University
Project: "Optical Wave-Guide Fabrication using PMMA Doped with DCM"

Darryl Dickerson: Tulane University, Biomedical Engineering major
Mentor:  Dr. Glen Livesay, Biomedical Engineering Department
Project:  "Effect of Sterilization Techniques and Time on the Mechanical Properties of Collagen Scaffolds"

April Ferchaud: Xavier University, Biology major
Dr. S. Thayumanavan, Chemistry Department
Project: "Synthesis of Dendrimers for use as Hole-Transport Layers"

Lanna Fuselier:  Xavier University, Chemistry major
Mentor: Dr. S. Thayumanavan, Chemistry Department
Project: "Light Emitting Devices through Organic Chemistry"

Joyonna Gamble-George Xavier University, Biochemistry major
Mentor: Dr. Karen Watanabe,
Environmental Health Science
Project:  "Comparison of the Mechanisms of Xenobiotic Metabolism between Humans and Freshwater Organisms"

Jamaal Granger: Dillard University,  Physics/Engineering  major
Mentor: Dr. Abdalla Darwish, Dillard University
Project: "Optical Wave-Guide Fabrication using PMMA Doped with DCM"

Terrell Green: Tulane University,   Biomedical Engineering major
Mentor:  Dr. Assaf Abdelghani, Environmental Health Science
Project:  "Metabolic Transformation of Monosodium Methanearsonate to Arsenobetaine in Edible Fish Tissues"
Brian Hannah: Xavier University,  Biology major
Mentor:  Dr. Yu-Teh Li, Biochemistry Department
Project:  "Isolation of GM2 from Human Tay-Sachs Brain"

Jonathan Hijuelos: Tulane University,  Mechanical Engineering major
Mentor:  Dr. Vijay John, Chemical Engineering Department
Project:  "Material Synthesis through Hydrate Production"

Anthony Hurst:   Southern University at Baton Rouge,  Chemistry major
Mentor:  Dr. Abdalla Darwish, Dillard University
Project: "Optical Wave-Guide Fabrication using PMMA Doped with DCM"

Martin Jiminez:   Tulane University,  Ecology and Evolutionary Biology  major
Mentor: Dr. Duncan Irschick, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department
Project: "The Effects of Surface Diameter on the Acceleration of a Lizard:  Anolis sagrei"

Jevon Johnson:  Xavier University,  Biology major
Mentor:  Dr. Mouhammed Awayda, Physiology Department
Project: "Affects of Doxyrubicin on MCF-7 Cells"

Rocquel Johnson: Southern University at New Orleans,  Chemistry major
Mentor: Dr. Thomas Bianchi,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department
Project: "The Composition of Plant Pigment as Biomarkers as Indicators of Phytoplankton in the Mississippi River Plume"

Kera Lawson: Xavier University, Biochemistry major
Mentor: Dr. Bill Alworth, Chemistry  Department
Project:  "Total Antioxidant Staus Determination of Zearalenone"

Taiesha Lewis (visiting scholar)
: Spelman College,  Biology  major
Mentor: Dr. Lucy Cardenas-Freytag, Microbiology and Immunology Department
Project: "A Study on the Protection of a LT (R192G) and Heat-Killed C. albicans Vaccine against Vagina Candidiasis"

Ndidi Madu:  Xavier University, Biology major
Mentor:   Dr. Victor Law, Chemical Engineering Department
Project:  "The Regeneration of Deactivated Equilibrium Cat Cracker Catalysts"

Karla Melendez:   Tulane University,  Neuroscience major
Mentor:   Dr. Henry Bart, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department
Project:  "Morphometric Variance in the Species Carpiodes Carpio"

LaKeisha Myles:  Grambling State University,  Chemistry major
Mentor:   Dr. Russell Schmehl, Chemistry  Department
Project:  "Synthesis of Materials for Electroluminescence Applications"

Roopa Nalam:  Tulane University,  Biological Chemistry major
Mentor:   Dr. Harry Ensley, Chemistry  Department
Project:  "Synthesis of 1, 10-Phenanthroline Chelators"

Ihuoma Okezie:  Xavier University,  Biology major
Mentor:   Dr. Steven Darwin, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department
Project:  "Exploration of Seed Rain in a Bottomland Hardwood Forest of Southeastern Louisiana:  Its Affect on Forest Regeneration and Succession"

Amisha Poret-Peterson:  Tulane University,  Ecology and Evolutionary Biology major
Mentor:   Dr. Jay Gulledge, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department
Project:  "Methods in Microbial Biomass Carbon Determination"

Douglas Rudolph:  Xavier University,  Chemistry major
Mentor:   Dr. Victor Law, Chemical Engineering Department
Project:  "The Regeneration of Deactivated Equilibrium Cat Cracker Catalysts"

Apryl Scott:  Tulane University,  Cell and Molecular Biology major
Mentor:   Dr. Glen Boyd, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
Project:  "Pharmaceutical Contaminants and Treatment Alternatives for the Lower Mississippi River"

David Webb:  Xavier University,  Biology major
Mentor:   Dr.  S. Thayumanavan, Chemistry Department
Project:  "Light Emitting Devices through Organic Chemistry"

Nina Williams:  Xavier University,  Chemistry major
Mentor:   Dr.  Bill Alworth, Chemistry Department
Project:  "Synthesis and Characterization of Potential Inhibitors of Cytochromes P450 1A1 and 1B1"

Demetrius Woods:  Tulane University,  Neuroscience major
Mentor:    Dr. Mouhammed Awayda, Physiology Department
Project:  "MCF-7:  Hormonal Regulation in Epitheial Sodium Channel (EnaC) Activation and Transport"

Jadrien Young Tulane University,  Biomedical Engineering major
Mentor:    Dr. Kay C. Dee,
Biomedical Engineering Department
Project:  "Strength of Adhesion of Lung Epithlial Cells"

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