Tulane LS-LAMP Summer Research Program

Program Description

The Tulane LS-LAMP Summer Undergraduate Research Training Program, June 1 - August 6, 2004, is a ten-week program of directed research and training in research methods. Students work in their area of interest with university researchers and present a project at the concluding LS-LAMP Symposium in August.



Program components and areas of research include:

bulletAreas of research: Cell and Molecular Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,  Environmental Health Science,  and Pharmacology;
bulletfaculty-mentored research, training in graduate research methods, including library research, use of computers, scientific methods and experimental design;
bulletGRE preparation, and applying to graduate school;
bulletpresentation of research results;
bulletfield trips to research facilities;
bulletand social activities.

Students also participate in weekly group sessions which focus on graduate school admission requirements, career opportunities, and research presentation.

Each participant receives a $3,000 summer stipend (meals not included), on-campus housing, and a small travel allowance for students traveling from outside of local area. Tulane LS-LAMP Summer Research Training Program is supported by the National Science Foundation, Board of Regents Support Fund, and Tulane University.

Program Requirements

Tulane LS-LAMP Summer Research Training Program is open to minority undergraduate students who are enrolled at a Louisiana college or university and are interested in pursuing a career in science, engineering, or mathematics. Students must meet the following criteria:

  1. Belong to one of the following racial/ethnic groups: Black (not Hispanic), Hispanic, Native American, Alaskan Native, or Pacific Islander. Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  2. Sophomores, Juniors, or first semester Seniors at time of application.
  3. G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher.
  4. Aptitude and motivation for advanced study in sciences.
The participants are required to complete the entire ten week program. The research objectives of the program are substantial and require full-time student commitment. At the end of ten weeks, each participant is required to submit a written report describing his/her research and give an oral presentation. Participants must attend all required group sessions, lectures, and social events.
Please review the attached list of research projects being offered in 2004. Applicants are encouraged to contact the faculty mentor listed to discuss qualifications and details of the research project. If you contact faculty by e-mail, be sure to include "LS-LAMP" in the subject field of the message.

Submit the:
  1. Student Application Form,
  2. a personal statement of why you would like to participate in the program,
  3. an official copy of your most recent undergraduate transcript, and
  4. a Letter of Recommendation from a faculty member at your institution.

Send the completed application to: Jannie Price, LS-LAMP Program, 605 Boggs Hall, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118. Phone: (504) 314-7690Fax: (504) 865-6768, e-mail: jeprice@tulane.edu

Application deadline: March 12, 2004.

Download Summer 2004 Application

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