Interdisciplinary Program in Linguistics
What is Linguistics? Linguistics is the scientific study of language. It studies both the structure and the use of language. Language is a universal human characteristic. All human languages share some traits, while diverging in particulars. Linguists, working within theoretical constructs, may describe both universal and specific traits of language and of languages. This knowledge may be applied to a broad spectrum of problems from bilingual education to artificial intelligence, second language learning to conflict resolution.
Areas of study Linguistics is a broad field. The main subdisciplines listed by the LSA are: writing, grammar, linguistic diversity, language and the brain, prescriptivism, linguistics and literature, slips of the tongue, the sounds of speech, computers and language, machine translation, meaning (pragmatics and semantics), neurolinguistics, history of linguistics, language and thought, discourse analysis, language variation and change, applied linguistics, multilingualism, languages in contact, sociolinguistics, and endangered languages. We cover all these topics in our survey course: The Nature of Language. We offer specialized courses in all but three of these topics: neurolinguistics, linguistics and literature, and slips of the tongue. Program profile Linguistics is an interdisciplinary program in which thirteen departments participate. Participation ranges from teaching less-commonly-taught language courses to contributing to the university research program. Twelve faculty members have primary research fields within linguistics. The undergraduate student population is a small, but active group. We currently have 13 undergraduate majors. We graduate 3- 4 students a year with BAs in linguistics. Our students are outstanding. Of our 3-4 graduates a year, we get 1-2 honors’ theses. This year we graduated four students, three with honors’ theses. One of our students, Melissa Kronenthal, won a Watson fellowship this year. Additional resourses We offer a number of Uncommonly Taught Languages: Yucatec Maya(modern and classical), Kaqchikel Maya (modern and classical), Nahuatl (modern and classical), Cajun French, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Haitian Creole, Hungarian, Swahili, Yoruba and Kechwa. We have a strong library collection on Latin America, with texts in many American Indian languages as well as in Spanish and Portuguese. Our rare book collections contain untranslated texts that offer excellent resources for research. The Roger Thayer Stone Center for Latin American Scholars offers students opportunities to get to the field for summer and more sustained study. The Cuba Institute has recently begun an initiative for scholarly interchange with, and study programs in, Cuba. Louisiana, itself, is linguistically rich and the Louisiana Collection provides access to local resource materials. The Amistad Center also offers unique collections, as does the Newcomb College Center for Research on Institute. The major The major consists of ten courses selected from the list below. The student should take at least one course in each of the following areas: phonology, syntax, language history, and language and thought. As courses are offered by various departments, the student must consult with the program adviser in selecting courses to fulfill the distribution requirement. As one of the ten courses, the student must take a three-credit independent studies course correlating this general background with an area of specialization. No language courses taken to fulfill the college proficiency requirement may be counted toward the major.
Anthropology ANTH 315 Ethnography of Thought ANTH 329 The Nature of Language
ANTH 359 Introduction to Syntax ANTH 363 Linguistic Phonetics ANTH 364 Studies in Phonology ANTH 365 Morphology
ANTH 367 Language and its Acquisition ANTH 368 Language and Power ANTH 369 Language and Gender ANTH 640 Culture and Language ANTH 642 Linguistics Field Methods ANTH 670 Spoken Nahuatl ANTH 672 Spoken Yoruba ANTH 680 Spoken Yucatecan Maya
ANTH 682 Classical Yucatec
Asian Studies ASTJ 101, 102 Beginning Japanese I, II ASTJ 203, 204 Intermediate Japanese I, II
Computer Science
CPSC 300 Principles of Computer Science
CPSC 362 Theory of Computation CPSC 466 Artificial Intelligence CPSC 652 Computer Design
English ENLS 402 Structure of English Language ENLS 405 History of the Language ENLS 407 Introduction to Old English
French FREN 314 French Phonetics FREN 410 French in Louisiana FREN 607 Survey of French Linguistics FREN 621 History of the French Language
Germanic and Slavic Languages GERM 365 Advanced Russian Grammar
Hebrew HBRW 101 Introductory Hebrew HBRW 102 Intermediate Hebrew
Linguistics LING 301 Semantics LING H491, H492 Independent Studies LING H499, H500 Honors Thesis
Mathematics MATH 111, 112 Probability and Statistics MATH 301 Probability and Statistics
Philosophy PHIL 121 Elementary Symbolic Logic PHIL 380 Language and Thought PHIL 606 Advanced Symbolic Logic PHIL 618 Mental Representation PHIL 343 Semantics of Natural Language
PSYC 351, 352 Special Projects in Psychology (adviser approval required)
PSYC 615 Models of Human Behavior
SPAN 651 History of the Spanish Language
Theatre THEA 309 Stage Speech
The faculty coordinator: Dr. Judith Maxwell. Department of Anthropology. x3046.
Judith Maxwell. PhDs Linguistics and Anthropology, Chicago. x3046. Research interests: discourse analysis, standardization, revitalization, human rights, Mayan languages, Nahuatl; primary areas of field experience: Guatemala and Mexico.
Computer Science
Molly Rothenberg. PhD. California, Irvine. x8166. Research Interests: Feminist Literary Theory, Cultural Criticism.
Thomas Klingler. PhD. Indiana. x3121. Research Interests: Pidgins and Creoles, New World Frenches, French Linguistics
Germanic and Slavic Languages
Spanish and Portuguese
Linguistic Circle An informal group of scholars from Tulane, Loyola, UNO, and other area schools meets at odd intervals throughout the year to report on research, read papers, articles, and hold linguistic discussions. Students as well as faculty participate in all aspects of this local professional forum. |