Who Can Work...
Anyone who is physically capable to do manual labor is welcome to come work with us.
We generally try to recruit college students but anyone is welcome and encouraged as long as they are 18 years of age or older.
Where and When to Meet...
We work weekdays from 9am-4pm and 10am-4pm on weekends. We generally meet in front of
McAlister Auditorium on Tulane campus. Please email
safer@tulane.edu to sign up.
What to Wear and Bring...
Please wear clothes that you are not afraid to get dirty or
damaged. While we do provide the necessary safety equipment, our work is very messy.
Closed toed shoes are mandatory and long pants and sleeves are suggested. All equipment, tools, water, and sanitary items are provided as well as
a gourmet pb&j lunch. If this option does not meet your dietary needs then
please feel free to bring your own lunch. We do ask that groups provide their
own lunches. |
What to Expect...
Construction work is not something to take lightly. A work site is by no means a
static environment; there is a lot going on and being aware of one's
surroundings is a must. SAFER's crew will convey all of the guidelines for
working on site. In addition, the crew will be available at all times to give
instruction and supervision throughout the workday. We will never let volunteers
do work that they are neither comfortable with nor fully informed about.
Vanderbilt volunteers priming Margarita's house after a few days of sanding and scraping.
310 South Broad Street,
New Orleans, Louisiana, 70119