Anti-Parris/Salem Village:


1690 Mean Tax Ratio 1690 Median Tax Ratio
Anti-Parris 15.82 1.19 Anti-Parris 14.00 1.75
Salem Village 13.24 Salem Village 8.00
1695 Mean Tax Ratio 1695 Median Tax Ratio
Anti-Parris 15.14 1.30 Anti-Parris 11.25 1.41
Salem Village 11.64 Salem Village 8.00
Anti-Parris and Salem Village Tax Ratios 1690-1695

Comparing the anti-Parris faction with Salem Village provides ambiguous results.  On the one hand, the ratio of the average anti-Parris tax to the village average rose slightly, indicating economic improvement. But the median ratio, which is often a better indicator of wealth, shows a decline from 1690. As with the pro-Parris comparisons, the somewhat different aggregations of anti-Parris names on the two tax lists could account for these results.

Despite the decline in the median ratio, the anti-Parris contingent remained wealthier in 1695 than Salem Villagers (and Parris's supporters). Yet the ambiguous results suggest the possibility that that any anti-Parris economic advance in the village after 1692 was modest and that their growing relative advantage over the Parris faction was due primarily to the declining fortunes of the ministry faction.

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