Salem Village Rank and Percentile:


Name Tax Petition Rank Percent
Porter, Joseph and sons 58 Anti-P 55 100.00%
putnam, Joseph 44 Anti-P 68 99.00%
putnam, Liuet Nathaniell 40 Pro-P 69 98.00%
Andrew, Daniell and sons 38 Anti-P 3 97.10%
pope, Joseph 36 Anti-P 53 96.10%
Putnam, Capt John 30 Pro-P 61 95.10%
putnam, Jonathan 26 Pro-P 67 94.20%
Buxton, John and sons 24 Anti-P 9 91.30%
Rea, Daniell 24 NoS 72 91.30%
swinerton, Job and son 24 Anti-P 85 91.30%
Hutchinson, Joseph senr 23 Anti-P 41 90.30%
1695 Rank and Percentile List
Wealthiest 10% of Taxpayers

As was done for 1681 and 1690, rank and percentile analysis of the 1695 tax list enables us to establish clearer standards for designating Salem Village's rich and poor.

In 1695, an assessment of twenty-three shillings placed a villager in the top ten percent of all taxpayers. This elite group clearly leaned strongly against Samuel Parris: seven of its eleven members signed the anti-Parris petition; only three supported Parris. However, different standards yield different results. Among the well-to-do top quartile of taxpayers (25%), supporters of Parris narrowly prevailed: thirteen signed the pro-Parris petition while twelve opposed Parris. In 1695, then, the very wealthiest Salem Villagers were distinctly anti-Parris, but support for the minister was strong among the village's well-to-do in the top quartile.

Salem Village's poorest taxpayers showed a distinct absence of anti-Parris villagers. Only one villager in the bottom ten percent aligned with Parris's opponents compared to six Parris supporters. Even so, the number of non-signers was even larger: eight. Extending the analysis to the bottom quartile of taxpayers shows a similar pattern: pro-Parris members outnumbered anti-Parris signers almost two-to-one while non-signers equaled in number the pro-Parris petitioners.

The economic condition of Salem Village's factions three years after the eruption of witchcraft generally confirms the class distinctions found in Salem Possessed. Witchcraft's opponents were conspicuous among the very wealthiest Salem Villagers, although the pro-Parris sentiment was strongly represented among the well-to-do. Meanwhile, less affluent villagers were even clearer in their leaning: they either supported their minister or chose to remain unaligned; few opposed the witch hunt.

To contrast the standing of Salem Village's factions in 1695 with the pre-witchcraft period, click Next.