Salem Village Rank and Percentile:


Name Tax Petition Rank Percent
Porter, Joseph and sons 46.0 Anti-P 1 99.10%
putnam, Joseph 46.0 Anti-P 1 99.10%
Andrew, Daniell and sons 44.0 Anti-P 3 98.20%
Flint, ensigne Thomas 38.0 Pro-P 4 97.30%
pope, Joseph 35.0 Anti-P 5 96.40%
putnam, Benjamin 30.0 Pro-P 6 93.80%
putnam, Jonathan 30.0 Pro-P 6 93.80%
putnam, Liuet Nathaniell 30.0 Pro-P 6 93.80%
Putnam, Capt John 29.0 Pro-P 9 92.90%
Wealthiest 10% of 1700 Taxpayers

Rank and percentile analysis of Salem Village's 1700 taxpayers shows a dramatic change from 1695, when only two Parris supporters fell in the top 10% of taxpayers. Five years later, more than half of the nine Salem Villagers constituting the wealthiest 10% of taxpayers had signed the pro-Parris petition.

Some change also occurred among Salem Village's poorest residents, those ranking in the bottom 10% of taxpayers. In 1695, Parris's supporters had considerably outnumbered his opponents. By decade's end, the opposite was true, in part because of the appearance of anti-Parris "young men," who had been too young to be assessed taxes in 1695. In 1700, anti-Parris petitioners were more numerous than Parris supporters among the lowest taxpayers. Even among the bottom quartile of Salem Villagers, there were more anti-Parris signers than Parris men. As in the past, however, the majority of Salem Village's poorest residents had not signed either petition.

To compare the standing of Salem Village's factions in 1700 with their position in 1695, click Next.