Anti-Parris Rank and Percentile:


Name Petition 1681 Rank 1681 Percent 1690 Rank 1690 Percent
Andrew, Daniell and sons Anti-P 8 92.40% 5 95.90%
Bishop, Edward senr & son Anti-P 29 68.80% 39 60.60%
Braybrook, samuell Anti-P 68 27.90% 76 21.20%
buckly, william & son Anti-P 59 32.20% 61 25.20%
Buxton, John and sons Anti-P 12 88.10% 10 90.90%
Flint, John Anti-P 55 40.80% 33 62.60%
Fuller, Thomas senr Anti-P 3 97.80% 50 40.40%
Herrick, Joseph senr & son Anti-P 18 78.40% 39 60.60%
Holten, Joseph Junr Anti-P 42 55.90% 33 62.60%
Holton, Joseph senr Estate Anti-P 15 83.80% 50 40.40%
Anti-Parris Persister Rank and Percentile: 1681-1690 (Sample)

Following the same procedure for anti-Parris taxpayers as was used to find pro-Parris taxpayers on both the 1681 and 1690 tax lists yields twenty-four anti-Parris persisters. Their rank and percentile standing in Salem Village can be compared using the same standard of 10% change.

To see the results for anti-Parris taxpayers, click Next.