Below is a chart showing the distribution of scores on the midterm exam.  Also shown is a curve for the exam from which I determined a letter grade corresponding to the scores.  Note that the letter grade is for informational purposes only.  For your final grade I do not average letter grades, but use the total number of points scored in the class to determine a curve for the final grade.  Note also that I consider any grade below 50% to be a failing grade.  I am available most of the time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to discuss the exam and I encourage you to send me an email to make an appoinment to come in for a discussion, ESPECIALLY IF YOU DID POORLY ON THE EXAM.


Some General Comments about the Exam

When a professor says something is definitely going to be on the exam - BELIEVE THE PROFESSOR!!!!!  Some of the most missed questions were ones that I said in class would definitely be on the exam. 

I was pleased to find that all but two of you think that magmas DO NOT come from the liquid outer core of the Earth.

The Definition of a mineral, says that minerals are solids. Thus they CANNOT FORM BY MELTING!

What is the difference between Hazard Assessment and Risk Assesment?  Hopefully you will know before the final exam.  

16 of you (23%) still think that New Orleans' levees breached the day after Katrina made landfall - WRONG, WRONG, WRONG

Many of yous said in one form or antohter that earthquakes cannot be predicted because earthquakes cannot be predicted.  I'm pretty sure that such a statement does not answer the question of why earthquakes cannot be predicted.