EENS 1110 | Physical Geology |
Tulane University | Prof. Stephen A. Nelson |
Oceans and Coasts |
The Oceans
The Oceans exist because of differences in lithosphere as reflected by isostasy.
Continental lithosphere “floats higher” on the asthenosphere because the embedded continental crust has a lower density.
Oceanic lithosphere “floats deeper” in the asthenosphere because is it is denser. The ocean basins collect water because they are “lower.” The Ocean Floor The ocean floor was very much unknown until the late 1800s when the first scientific expeditions were undertaken. Our knowledge greatly expanded during and after World War II. Bathymetry was mapped, and oceanic ridges and trenches were discovered, This was accomplished through sonar soundings of ocean depth and submarine exploration of the deep oceans. Later drilling of the sea floor for the collection of samples was undertaken. It was a better understanding of the ocean floor which led to the theory of Plate Tectonics. The most important bathymetric features of the sea floor are
The bathymetry of the sea floor reflects tectonics. The Continental shelf is underlain by thinning continental crust. The continental slope and rise are transitional between crustal types, and the abyssal plain is underlain by mafic oceanic crust. Oceanic ridges are diverging plate boundaries where new oceanic lithosphere is formed and oceanic trenches are converging plate boundaries where oceanic lithosphere is subducted. |
Because oceanic lithosphere may get subducted, the age of the ocean basins is relatively young. The oldest oceanic crust occurs farthest away from a ridge. In the Atlantic Ocean, the oldest oceanic crust occurs next to the North American and African continents and is Jurassic in age (see figure 4.9 in your text). In the Pacific Ocean, the oldest crust is also Jurassic in age, and occurs off the coast of Japan. Because the oceanic ridges are areas of young crust, there is very little sediment accumulation on the ridges. Sediment thickness increases in both directions away of the ridge, and is thickest where the oceanic crust is the oldest. Sediment on the abyssal plain is mainly fined grained sediment (clay size) that was input into the oceans by streams and winds from the continents. The accumulation of the remains of silica secreting planktonic organisms like radiolaria and diatoms, has produced chert and the accumulation of the remains of foraminifera has produced biogenic limestones. Besides the oceanic ridges, oceanic islands and seamounts occur in the ocean basins. These are mostly volcanic islands that were formed above hot spots. The volcanoes formed over the hot spot and after the volcano goes extinct, it is eroded to sea level. Continued cooling and subsidence submerges the island to form seamounts (also called guyots).
Examples include: the Hawaiian Islands and the Emperor Seamount chain and others in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. | ![]() |
Where the continents meet the oceans, the continental margins are characterized as being of one of two types: Passive or Active. |
Passive Continental Margins - A passive continental margin occurs in the interior of plate, far away from any plate boundary. Present examples of passive continental margins are the Atlantic coast of North and South America, Europe, and Africa. No current deformation is taking place along these margins because they are not close to plate boundaries. The passive continental margins developed as a result of rifting of a former larger continent. | ![]() |
A passive continental margin is characterized by a broad continental shelf overlying thinning continental lithosphere. The shelf is made of relatively shallow oceanic sediments that have been shed by the continents. |
Active Continental Margins- Continental convergent margins occur where the margin of the continent coincides with a convergent plate boundary. Examples of a current active continental margins occur along the Pacific coast of South America and in the Cascade Mountains of the western U.S. | ![]() |
An active continental margin is characterized by a narrow continental shelf, again composed of sediments shed from the continents. | |
Submarine canyons crosscut the continental shelves. These are associated with large rivers from the continents.
Erosion carved the canyons during times when sea-level was lower than at present. The submerged canyons funnel sediments to deeper water producing submarine fans where the canyons empty onto the continental rise. |
Ocean Water
Salinity, a measure of amount of dissolved ions in the oceans, ranges between 33
and 37 parts per thousand.
Ocean Circulation Oceanic circulation is three dimensional. Most visible to humans are the surface ocean currents that are mainly driven by the wind. Vertical currents and deep ocean currents are driven by upwelling and downwelling near the coasts and differences in density, temperature and salinity between the surface waters and the deep ocean waters. Surface Ocean currents are result of drift of the upper 50 to 100 m of the ocean due to drag by wind. Thus, surface ocean currents generally follow the same patterns as atmospheric circulation with the exception that atmospheric currents continue over the land surface while ocean currents are deflected by the land. The surface currents have the following properties:
In addition to surface circulation, seawater also circulates vertically as a result of changes in density controlled by changing salinity and temperature (see figures 18.12 in your text). Such circulation, because it controlled by both temperature differences and differences in salinity of the water, is called thermohaline circulation. |
Ocean Tides Tides are due to the gravitational attraction of moon and to a lesser extent, the sun on the Earth. Because the moon is closer to the Earth than the sun, it has a larger effect and causes the Earth to bulge toward the moon. At the same time, a bulge occurs on the opposite side of the Earth due to inertial forces (this is explained well in the book on pages 670-671, if you are interested). |
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These bulges remain stationary while Earth rotates. The tidal bulges result in a rhythmic rise and fall of ocean surface, which is not noticeable to someone on a boat at sea, but is magnified along the coasts. Usually there are two high tides and two low tides each day, and thus a variation in sea level as the tidal bulge passes through each point on the Earth's surface. Along most coasts the range is about 2 m, but in narrow inlets tidal currents can be strong and fast and cause variations in sea level up to 16 m. |
Because the Sun also exerts a gravitational attraction on the Earth, there are also monthly tidal cycles that are controlled by the relative position of the sun and moon. The highest high tides occur when the Sun and the moon are on the same side of the Earth (new moon) or on opposite sides of the Earth (full moon). These are called Spring Tides.
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The lowest high tides occur when the Sun and the moon are not opposed relative to the Earth (quarter moons). These highest high tides become important to coastal areas during hurricane season and you always hear dire predications of what might happen if the storm surge created by the hurricane arrives at the same time as the highest high tides. |
Ocean Waves Waves are generated by winds that blow over the surface of oceans. Wave height, length, and period depend on wind speed, wind duration, and distance of travel (fetch).
In a wave, water travels in circular loops. But since the surface is the area
affected, the diameter of the loops decreases with depth. The Diameters of loops at the
surface is equal to wave height (h). (See animation at |
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Wavelength (L) = distance to complete one cycle Wave Period (P) = time required to complete on cycle. Wave Velocity (V) = wavelength/wave period (L/P).
Motion of waves is only effective at moving water to depth equal to one half of the Wavelength (L/2). Water deeper than L/2 does not move. Thus, waves cannot erode the bottom or move sediment in water deeper than L/2. This depth is called wave base. In the Pacific Ocean, wavelengths up to 600 m have been observed, thus water deeper than 300m will not feel passage of wave. But outer parts of continental shelves average 200 m depth, so considerable erosion can take place out to the edge of the continental shelf with such long wavelength waves. When waves approach shore, the water depth decreases and the wave will start feeling bottom. Because of friction, the wave velocity (= L/P) decreases, but its period (P) remains the same Thus, the wavelength (L) will decrease. Furthermore, as the wave "feels the bottom", the circular loops of water motion change to elliptical shapes, as loops are deformed by the bottom. As the wavelength (L) shortens, the wave height (h) increases. Eventually the steep front portion of wave cannot support the water as the rear part moves over, and the wave breaks. This results in turbulent water of the surf, where incoming waves meet back flowing water.
Waves that crash onto the beach are called breakers. Wave energy is dissipated by turbulence, which creates frothy white water in the surf zone. A surge of water (swash) rushes up the beach face. Gravity pulls the backwash down the slope of the beach. (See video at
Wave energy can thus be concentrated on headlands, to form cliffs. Headlands erode faster than bays because the wave energy gets concentrated at headlands |
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Wave Erosion Rigorous erosion of sea floor takes place in surf zone, i.e. between shoreline and breakers. Waves break at depths between 1 and 1.5 times wave height. Thus for 6m tall waves, rigorous erosion of sea floor can take place in up to 9 m of water. Waves
can also erode by abrasion and flinging rock particles against one another or against
rocks along the coastline. |
Coastal Sediment Transport
Coastlines are zones along which water is continually making changes. Waves can both erode rock & deposit sediment. Because of the continuous nature of ocean currents & waves, energy is constantly being expended along coastlines & they are thus dynamically changing systems, even over short (human) time scales.
Particles picked up by wave motion move down slope, but the deeper the water, the less energy is involved in wave motion, so smaller and smaller particles are moved farther off shore. This results in size sorting of sediment, with grain size decreasing away from coast. (see video at |
Coastal Deposits and Landforms Coastlines represent a balance between wave energy and sediment supply. If wave energy and sediment supply are constant, then a steady state is reached. If any one of these factors change, then shoreline will adjust. For example, winter storms may increase wave energy, if sediment supply is constant, fine grained beach sand may be carried offshore resulting in pebble beaches or cobble beaches. Due to input of sediment from rivers, marine deltas may form, due to beach and longshore drift such features as spits, bay barriers, and tombolos may form. Coast represents the boundary between sea and land. When waves hit the coast, they can erode by breaking up rocks into finer particles and abrading other rocks by flinging rocks, sand and water against them. Over time, the effects can be large. Sediment is moved and redeposited to increase the size of continental shelves.
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The cliff may retreat by undercutting and resulting mass-wasting processes. In areas where differential erosion takes place, the undercutting may initially produces sea caves. If sea caves from opposite sides of a rocky headland meet, then a sea arch may form. Eventual weakening of the sea arch may result in its collapse to form a sea stack. |
Depositional Features along coasts.
Coastal Variability
The shape of coast is controlled mainly by tectonic forces and climate, both of which act to determine the elevation of the coast.
Plate tectonic setting governs the style of coastline. In general, along passive margins,broad low lying coastal plains dominate. Along active margins, uplifted rocky coasts dominate.
Sea level changes can be local or global. Rise of fall of local sea level occurs as a result of tectonic forces or isostatic forces. Global sea level changes, however, are referred to as eustatic sea level changes. Eustatic sea level change is controlled by:
Coastal Problems
Protection from Shoreline Erosion Sea cliffs, since they are susceptible to landslides due to undercutting, and barrier islands and beaches, since they are made of unconsolidated sand and gravel, are difficult to protect from the action of the waves. Human construction can attempt to prevent erosion, but human engineering cannot always protect against abnormal conditions. Humans construct such things as sea walls, breakwaters, and groins in an attempt to slow coastal erosion, but sometimes other problems are caused by these engineering feats. For example, construction of groin (a wall built perpendicular to the shoreline) can trap sand and prevent beach drift and longshore drift from supplying sand to areas down current along the coastline. These down current areas may then erode, causing other problems.
Examples of questions on this material that could be asked on an exam.