Photos From 2010 EENS 212  Field Trip to Llano Uplift

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Photos by S.A. Nelson

Devil's Waterhole

Gneiss Rocks

Gneiss arrival

Wow a Gneiss

Gneiss Pegmatite

Amazing Gneiss

Gneiss outcrop

Gneiss Nancye

Gneiss Boudin

Gneiss Pegmatite

Gneiss Extension

Augen Gneiss & Bluebonnets

Don't step on the Bluebonnets


Climbing for glauconite and trilobites

Look at the fault

Look more closely at the fault

There must be a trilobite in here somewhere

Will & Glenn

Alex's Jordan hat


Fault closeup

Outcrop attendtiveness

Holly finds a trilobite

No passage

Wet mudcracks

Flood on the Lllano

Flood on the Lllano 2

Flood on the Lllano 3

On to the next outcrop


Oh deer!

It's not too wet

It's not too wet 2

Fault propagation fold

There must be an outcrop here somewhere

Enchanted waterfall

Let's go up

Taking it for granite

Taking it for granite 2


Up again

Ancient channel

Cactus Island



At top

Push harder


Austin in Texas
Cecily & Nancye
Cactus Mike


En-echelon dikes

Dipping dike

Igneous layering



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