Yunfeng Lu



Jilin University, China, B.S., Chemistry     1991
Chinese Academy of Sciences, M.S., Polymer Science      1994
The University of New Mexico, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering             1998

Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering Dept, Tulane University from 2001 to present.





Honors and Awards

  1. YoungInvestigator Award, Office of Naval Research, (2003)
  2. RalphE. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards, Oak Ridge AssociatedUniversities (2001);
  3. AmericanChemical Society (ACS), 2000 VictorK. LaMer Award, the Most OutstandingGraduate Research in Colloid and Surface Chemistry in North America(2000);
  4. Departmentof Energy (DOE) Basic Energy Science, Outstanding ScientificAccomplishment Award (1998);
  5. MaterialResearch Society (MRS), Graduate Student Award (1998) ;
  6. Schoolof Engineering at the University of New Mexico, Outstanding GraduateStudent Award (1999);
  7. Chemical& Nuclear Engineering Department at the University of New Mexico,Outstanding Graduate Student Award(1999);
  8. Motorola/Centerfor Micro-Engineering Materials (CMEM), Outstanding Graduate StudentResearcher Award (1998);
  9. SemiconductorResearch Corporation (SRC), Invention Recognition Award (1996).

 1 Book Chapter, 32 publications, 14 patents

Self Assembled Nanostructured Materials

Nanostructured materials often show unique and superior properties.  Self-assembly technique has been one of the most promising techniques for the manufacture of nanomaterials. This presentation will cover the synthesis of organic/inorganic nanocomposites for sensor, photovoltaic, and other applications.