Sponsorship Categories

Level Forum Underwriter Forum Patron Forum Sponsor Corporate Sponsor
Amount $5,000 $2,500 $1,000 $500
Number of Tickets 10 10 4 2
Reserved Lunch Seating Yes Yes -- --
Logo Recognition In Promotional Materials Yes Yes Yes Yes
VIP Reception Two Couples One Couple One Couple One Couple
Company Poster Display in Open Area Yes Yes Yes No
Other Recognized as Host of Forum Lunch -- -- --

Please note:  The amount of each sponsorship that is tax deductible as a charitable contribution for Federal Income Tax purposes is limited to the excess of the sponsorship fee over the value of goods and services provided.  The following are the estimated values of benefits provided per person:

$200 Forum Registration and $50 Reception

Sponsorship may be deductible as a business expense.  Please consult your tax advisor.

Company Name (as it should be recognized): ______________________________________
Contact Person: ______________________________________
Company Mailing Address: ______________________________________
Telephone: ______________________________________
Fax: ______________________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________
_____ Yes, we will sponsor the 2006 Tulane Engineering Forum at the following level:
  ________ Forum Underwriter $5,000
  ________ Forum Patron $2,500
  ________ Forum Sponsor $1,000
  ________ Corporate Sponsor $500
  ________ Sorry, we will not be able to sponsor the 2006 Tulane Engineering Forum,
    but keep us posted as the program develops.

Please return this form by email to jkottler@bellsouth.net or by fax to (504) 529-3366.