Having arrived in Pensacola the morning of April 11, Lieutenant John L. Worden informed General Bragg of his presence. Bragg permitted him to communicate with Captain Henry A. Adams on board the Sabine, so long as he did not violate the "truce" that had been in effect. Making no promises, Worden made his way to Captain Adams at about noon on April 12 and presented his orders.
That night, under cover of darkness, Adams sent Captain Vogdes and his troops, as well as a contingent of marines, to Fort Pickens. Adams reported that "no opposition was made, nor do I believe the movement was known on shore until it was accomplished."
Fort Pickens was successfully reinforced.
Lieutenant Worden made it to Captain Adams's ship just in time. On the very day Worden delivered Adams's orders, General Bragg received a telegraph from the Confederate war department instructing him to "intercept" Worden.
Later that evening, Bragg replied to his government that the order had arrived too late. Furthermore, alarm guns had fired at Fort Pickens, probably signaling the reinforcement of the fort. "It cannot be prevented," Bragg added. The next day, April 13, Bragg confirmed the bad news: "Re-enforcements thrown into Fort Pickens last night by small boats from the outside. The movement could not even be seen from our side . . . ."