If we are to understand a suggestion
in the Evening Journal of Saturday [December
8, 1860] as a proposition to concede to Slavery such Territories
South of 36 deg 30 min as may be adapted by soil and climate to that
institution, we must very decidedly dissent therefrom. The recent
victory means that Slavery is henceforth to go to none of our Free
Territory, whether North or South.
There is no Territory belonging to our Government "South of
36 deg. 30 min." "adapted, by soil and climate, to that Institution."
Even Kansas offered no other than political temptations to
Slavery. And Slavery only hoped to get a lodgement there through the
auspices and aid of the Federal Office holders, backed by a
Pro-Slavery Administration. They wanted Kansas to preserve a
"political equilibrium" in the United States Senate. We are as little
inclined and as unlikely to "come down" or "compromise" in reference
to anything that devotes us to Freedom, or that concerns the
integrity of Republican principles, as the many who
misunderstand, or the few who misrepresent us.
If our sanguine political friends would come off the stump,
and forego the spread-eagle style of argument just long enough to
give common sense a hearing, they would discover that all Territory
now belonging to us is safe, without legislation; that we are not to
acquire, under a Republican Administration, any Territory "adapted by
soil or climate" to the uses of Slavery; and that, consequently, in
view of the "Impending Crisis," and the new issue tendered, we need
not concern ourselves, by looking after what will take care of