From the Newark Daily
While we feel thus and while we have entire confidence in
the principle of Mr. Weed, and in the honesty of his motives, we do
not accept even his modified compromises with favor. We may in this
lack prudence and caution, but we confess to a desire to see the
strength of this Government tested, and to know whether it is a
sovereign State, or a collection of jealous and independent
provinces. We desire not to purchase, with liberal offers, the
forbearance of traitors, but to vindicate the honor of the nation,
demanding the preservation of the Union and the Constitution, and the
enforcement of the Laws. We understand Mr. Weed's proposition, we
think, clearly, and they are not incompatible with principle, but we
are opposed to compromises, in which the right is always sacrificed
to expediency.
Though not "desiring to see the strength of this
Government tested," we are prepared to meet that question as a
necessity. In view, however, of such an emergency, shall we not avail
ourselves of the advantages of position and circumstances? Should we
not prepare for the shock? Is there not strength in
We are as little inclined as our friend of the "mercury" to
"purchase forbearance of traitors." To that class neither terms nor
offers "have been made." It is that the Country may be the better
prepared to deal sternly with Traitors, that we have urged, and do
most emphatically urge, that the position of Union men in Southern
States should be considered. If our dissenting friends have taken
care to read us correctly they will have found that this Journal was
neither slow to anticipate the Treason of the gulf States, nor
equivocal in its denunciations of Traitors. In an early and adequate
appreciation of the magnitude of the evil, we suggested a course
calculated to place the friends of the Union upon high vantage
ground. Apprehending that we should be called upon to "test the
strength of this Government," we saw what is even more apparent now,
that the conflict would tax all its faculties and strain all its
energies. Hence the desire, before the trial came, to make up a
record that would challenge the world's approval. This was due, not
less to ourselves, than to the Union men of Southern States, who,
with equal patriotism and more of sacrifice, were, amid the "pitiless
peltings" of the Disunion storm, like the Dove sent from the Ark,
seeking a dry spot on which they can set their feet.
It is not that we hope or care for any change of views or
course, from Disunionists, that we ask conciliation, but that by
uniting and strengthening Union men, we may be the better enabled to
resist and punish Treason. And is not such union and strength needed?
Why, but that the right spirit is not aroused, are Traitors allowed
to stalk through the National Capital? Why,but that the public
sensibility is dulled, do Traitors come and go with impunity? Why,
but that the Government is cankered, are not men who openly advise
the seizure of Fortifications, dealt with as Traitors? All this
results from a failure to adjust differences between those who might
be and ought to be friends. When Congress is brought to an agreement
upon some one of the various pending propositions, the whole question
will assume brighter aspects.
In the border Slave States there are tens of thousands of
anxious, devoted Union men who ask only that we should throw them a
Plank which promises a chance of safety. In standing by the Union
they do and dare much more than is required of us. Maryland has been
and is now, withheld from the swirling vortex of Disunion, by the
firmness and fidelity of its Governor. If Virginia does not plunge
in, recklessly, it will be from the restraining influence of her
Governor. Tennessee, implores the North to throw out an Anchor to
which she can make fast. Gov. Gilmer, of North Carolina, Mr.
Etheridge, of Tennessee, Mr. Davis, of Maryland, and a few other
Members of congress, are better Union men than we are, and deserve
far more credit for courage and patriotism than is due
Representatives backed by Union constituencies.