The Inaugural
No document was ever looked for with more intense
interest than the Inaugural Message of President LINCOLN. And no
Message was ever received with greater favor. It is universally
conceded to be alike clear, compact and impressive--equally firm
and conciliatory. Every sentence bears the impress of a pure and
exalted patriotism, and affords unmistakable evidence of his
purpose to go to the very verge of his constitutional duty to
reconcile conflicting interests, to restore harmony to the Union
and to bring back the Seceding States to their allegiance to the
He could have said no less than he has said in
vindication of his own position and of the principles which, in
his election, have received the endorsement of the people. Nor
could he have said more, without subjecting himself to the charge
of cowardice and hypocrisy, to manifest his desire for a peaceful
adjustment of all questions at issue between the North and the
South. He commends the conciliatory action of Congress, as
embodied in the proposed amendment of the Constitution,
guaranteeing to every state supreme control over its own domestic
institutions; and approves the suggestion of a Convention of the
People to revise and amend the Constitution so as, if possible, to
remove all future sectional conflicts. He thus, as well as in the
general tone of his address, foreshadows the conciliatory spirit
which will govern his administration, and presents solid ground
upon which to base the hope that, ere long, the dark war clouds
which hang over the Republic will be dispersed by the rising sun
of fraternal fellowship and peace.
Nor is his avowed purpose to maintain the rights and
dignity of the Government at all in conflict with this spirit of
conciliation. Where no appreciation of duty is shown there can be
no confidence felt. If present obligations are ignored, no faith
can be placed in any professions which must await development in
the future. To permit the authority of the General Government to
be contemned would be to invite distrust, and to excite well
grounded apprehensions of the want both of the disposition and the
ability to so administer the trust reposed in him, as to
accomplish the end desired.
The Border States cannot object to the affirmative action
proposed--the occupation of the "places and property belonging to
the Government, and the collection of the duties on imports."
There would be no such "coercion" in this as would manifest either
a retaliatory or a vindictive spirit. To do less would be to
entirely succumb to lawless violence. To do more would be to
invite civil war;--a calamity which the President, in common with
every Christian patriot, desires to avert, and which, under the
line of policy which he has marked out, can only come upon the
country through the agency of the lawless men who assume the right
to usurp a sovereignty which belongs alone to the General
Government of the Confederated States.
In this purpose, the President will have the sympathy and
the support of the whole people. If any withhold these from him,
it will only be because they are false to the Union, and recognise
the heresy that Secession is the legitimate prerogative of every
State, while the Union is but a rope of sand, having neither
strength nor vitality, nor even the common right of
The processes by which these results are to be attained,
will be speedily developed. They may precipitate a conflict. If
so, the responsibility will rest, not with those who seek to
vindicate, but with those who resist, the lawful authority of the
General Government. But may we not rather hope that the
reasonableness and necessity of what is purposed will be so
apparent, that its wisdom and propriety will be universally
conceded; and that it will ultimate in a speedy reconciliation of
all interests, to the supreme authority of the Constitution and
But whatever may be the result, what is proposed is a
necessity as well as a duty. It must be done, or the overthrow of
the Government must be recognised as a settled fact.
Of the argumentative portion of the Message, there is no
need to speak. It is alike comprehensive and unanswerable. The
friends of the Union may rest their vindication upon it without
the slightest fear of overthrow; for its positions are
impregnable. Indeed, the whole document is admirable, and affords
a triumphant vindication of the wisdom of the people in conferring
upon its author the high and responsible office of Chief
Magistrate of the Union. He will be true to his trust, falter who