Spring 2005 Course Description for Electromagnetic Theory, Physics 363

Instructor: Wayne Reed

MWF 11am-noon

Classroom to be announced

Office: 5068 Stern Hall

Office Hours: 3-4pm Monday and Wednesday, and by appointment

e-mail: wreed@tulane.edu

Text: Electromagnetism, by G.L. Pollack and D.R. Stump

The theory of electromagnetism and Darwin's theory of Evolution represent the two greatest scientific syntheses of the nineteenth century. In the twentieth century and at the dawn of the twenty first, evolutionary theory has been at least partially integrated into the molecular approach to Biochemistry and Genetics, fields which continue to develop at an astonishing pace. Likewise, Electromagnetic theory, in addition to having incorporated the vast field of optical phenomena into its sphere of description, and having provided the initial seed of doubt for Einstein's development of Special Relativity theory, continues to flourish up to the present day. Generations old devices, such as the electric generator and motor, the radio transmitter and receiver, ac transformers, standard circuit elements, and the vacuum tube were all spawned subsequently to the fundamental discoveries and formulations of Electromagnetic theory. The realization that atomic and molecular properties were chiefly rooted in electromagnetic phenomena led to a formulation of atomic structure based on electromagnetic and classical mechanical principles. The failure of this model gave the impetus for the development of the Quantum theory of matter. The incorporation of electromagnetic principles into the quantum mechanical framework has illuminated a diverse array of phenomena in the solid, liquid, gaseous, nuclear, and plasma states, as well as in chemical and living states. Needless to say, such modern inventions as integrated circuits, lasers, and countless electro-optical devices are all the fruits of the continuous discovery, synthesis and interlocking of concepts that the discipline of Physics represents.

Physics 363 is an intermediate level course, normally for undergraduate Physics majors in their junior and senior years. A working knowledge of vector calculus is assumed, and the first chapter covered will consist of a brief review to highlight the results of most importance to the course.

The text is normally meant for a two semester sequence, so we will have to dramatically abridge the amount of material. Chapter 2 will be the review of vector calculus. We will give a fairly thorough treatment of the electrostatics in vacuo and in conductors, contained in Chapters 3 and 4, but skip the general, more advanced mathematical techniques developed in Chapter 5. A shortened approach to Chapter 6 will be taken, to highlight some of the aspects of electrostatics in dielectric media. Chapter 7 contains a concise introduction to the description of electric currents, whereas Chapter 8 gives a detailed exposé of magnetostatics, that is, the property of magnetic fields produced by steady currents. We will only touch lightly on Chapter 9, which delves into the magnetic properties of matter, such as para- and ferromagnetism. We will study most of chapter 10, which is the law and consequences of electromagnetic induction. By this time, the semester will be running out, but with some luck we should get to some topics in Chapter 11, which is the great unification of electromagnetism achieved through Maxwell's equations. It is sad, but realistic, to expect that we won't have enough time left to get into Chapter 12, which is the relationship between Electromagnetism and Relativity. It is possible that mid-semester adjustments might be made to accommodate some of this.

Three tests are planned for the semester, each worth 20% of the total grade. The final exam will be comprehensive and worth 30% of the total grade, and the last 10% of the grade will consist of class participation, and occasionally collected homework and/or in-class pop quizzes.

The exact dates of the semester exams will be announced as the semester proceeds. Make-up exams will be given only if signed notes indicating a valid medical excuse for absence are obtained both from a doctor and from the Office of the Academic Dean. Conflicts due to travel, e.g. at vacation times, are not legitimate excuses for missing exams. No grades will be dropped.

The final exam is scheduled definitively for Tuesday May 10, 2005, 8am-Noon. No changes to this can be made, and students cannot individually ask for separate testing times.

Course Objectives

1. To deepen your understanding of Electromagnetic Theory, building on the concepts you learned in introductory Physics.

2. To familiarize you with working regularly using the techniques of vector integral and differential calculus common to many areas of Physics.

3. To hone your problem solving skills for electromagnetic problems that are considerably more abstract and difficult than the problems you encountered in introductory Physics.

4. To find both physical and formal mathematical similarities and connections between Electromagnetic Theory and other areas of Physics.


This syllabus and problem solutions will be posted on my website at http://www.tulane.edu/~wreed/ph363/ph363.htm


Problem Sets and Chapter sections covered

(subject to change as the semester proceeds)

Ch. 2 Problems: 1, 2a,d, 8, 9, 10, 12c, 13

Chapter 2 coverage: all sections
Chapter 2 Solutions

Ch. 3: 1, 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 20, 21, 23, 28a, 30
Chapter 3 solutions

Chapter 3 coverage: omit 3.5

Ch. 4: 2, 3, 7, 13, 15
Chapter 4 solutions

Chapter 4 coverage: all sections

Chapter 5 is omitted entirely

Ch. 6: 3, 7, 8
Chapter 6 solutions

Chapter 6 coverage: 6.1-6.3

Ch. 7: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 16
Chapter 7 solutions

Chapter 7 coverage: 7.1-7.3

Ch. 8: 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 28
Chapter 8 solutions

Chapter 8 coverage: all sections

Ch. 9: 1, 5, 6
Chapter 9 solutions

Chapter 9 coverage: 9.1-9.3

Ch. 10: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 22, 27, 28
Chapter 10 solutions

Chapter 10 coverage: pp. 355-375

Ch. 11: 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 12, 17, 18, 22, 30
Chapter 11 problems

Chapter 11 coverage: pp. 397-409, pp. 423-437