The first issue of the chapter is to sketch three possible
structures for sentences made out of conjunctions and negations.Taking
the case of sentences made out of the conjunction and,
the three structures are:
[and S1 S2] is true iff S1 is true and S2 is true.
[S1 and S2] is true iff S1 is true and S2 is true.
[S1 [and S2]] is true iff S1 is true and S2 is true.
The challenge, then, is to find a way to choose among these
3.1.1 Semantic structure and syntactic structure
One way is by assuming that structures converge across linguistic
components. [What are the linguistic components?]
There are three reasons for suspecting that structures might converge:
Representations in one component are used by another component,
so they should not be wildly different.
It would make it easier to learn a language if representations
used in one component were similar to those used in another component.
In the best case, a child could learn the reprentational format
of one componant just by learning that of another.
Even when we assume that representations across components
are different, they share so many similarities that it looks
like there is some pressure to make them conform to a single
general pattern.
3.1.2 Semantic structure and logical structure
In contrast, linguistic structure, especially semantics, may
not converge with logical structure. The main reason for suspecting
such a divergence is that logicosemantic relations between sentences
are not defined in the object language, but rather in the metalanguage.
3.2 Constraints on semantic rules
3.2.1 Strong compositionality
Strong compositionality hypothesis: R is a possible
semantic rule for a human language only if R is strictly local
[in scope] and purely interpretive [in contribution].
Now consider the two grammars that we have been assuming:
S -> S
and S
S -> S or S
S -> it is not the case that S
S -> S ConjP
ConjP -> Conj S
S -> Neg S
Conj -> {and, or}
Neg -> [it is not the case that}
3.2.2 Introducing semantic values
theory T
theory T+
S is true iff p
S) iff p
3.2.3 Must semantic analysis be exhaustive?
A semantic rule is exhaustive if it assigns a semantic
value to every constituent of a node.