This list includes resources useful in cataloguing that have been created and maintained outside of the Tulane University Libraries.
For resources created, compiled, and maintained within Tulane, see:
Document Content: Resource by Type |
Cataloging Tools and Documentation | Authority Work |
Electronic Resources | Online Dictionaries and Transliteration Tables |
Other Nonprint Resources | Library Organizations, Cataloging Agencies, Events, etc. |
Cataloging Tools and Documentation |
OCLC tools and documents | Key organizational rules, standards, etc. |
Library of Congress tools and documents | Other library cataloging and technical services resources |
Library of Congress tools and documents:
Key organisational rules, standards, etc.:
Other Cataloging and Technical Services Resource Pages:
Electronic Resources |
Other Nonprint Resources (A/V, music, etc.) |
Authority Work |
Library of Congress authority work resources
Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) authority work resources
OCLC authority work resources
Other useful resources for establishing headings
Online Dictionaries and Transliteration Tables |
Library Organizations, Cataloging Agencies, Events, etc. |
top of this document | Local documentation list | |
Cataloging Department Home Page | Howard-Tilton Memorial Library | Tulane University |
Page initially created by Peter V. Fletcher; please send updates or questions to: Rebecca R. Malek-Wiley
Page last reviewed: 2 November 2009