B.A. Honors- Biology |
University of Chicago |
1975 |
Ph.D.- Biochemistry |
University of Chicago |
1981 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
University of Chicago |
1981-1985 |
Research Fellow |
California Institute of Technology |
Research and Professional Experience
1976-1981 Graduate studies in the laboratory of Dr. Murray
Rabinowitz, The University of Chicago
1981-1985 Postdoctoral Fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Thomas D. Petes,
The University of Chicago
1982-1983 American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellow
1985-1987 Research Fellow in the laboratory of Dr. John Abelson, California
Institute of Technology
1987-1996 Assistant Member, Program in Molecular Biology, Sloan- Kettering
Institute, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
1987-1996 Assistant Professor, Sloan-Kettering Institute Division, Graduate
School of Medical Sciences, Cornell University
1996- Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Tulane University
Medical School, Tulane University Medical Center
1996- Program Member, Tulane University Cancer Center
1996- Member, Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Molecular and Cellular
Biology, Tulane University
1998 Associate Professor (tenured)
1999 Member, Tulane University Graduate Faculty
2002- Adjunct Faculty, Department of Human Genetics
2005- Professor (tenured)
National and International Professional Activities
National Science Foundation (Study Section Service)
1990-1994 Ad hoc reviewer, NSF Microbial Genetics Study Panel
1997- Member, NSF Microbial Genetics Study Panel
2001- Member, NSF Eukaryotic Genetics Study Panel
1996-1999 Ad hoc reviewer, NSF Biochemical Genetics Study Panel
National Institutes of Health
1997- Ad hoc member, NIH Molecular Cytology Study Section
1995 Special Review Committee, NICHHD
Microbiological and Immunological Sciences Special Emphasis Panel, NIH
1997 Ad hoc reviewer, NIH Mammalian Genetics Study Section
2000 Temporary Member, NCI Program Project Panel
2001 NCI Scholars Award Study Section
2003 Temporary Member, NIH, MBC-2, Yeast Genetics
American Cancer Society
1997- Ad hoc member, ACS Study Section on Molecular Mechanisms in Cancer
1998 Ad hoc reviewer, ACS Study Section on Molecular Mechanisms in Cancer
Journal Reviewer
ACDD (NCI), Analytical Biochemistry, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Biochemistry,
Cell, Current Biology, EMBO Journal, EMBO Reports, Genetics, Genes and
Development, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Journal of Biological Chemistry,
Journal of Cell Biology, Molecular Cell, Molecular Microbiology, Nature,
Nature Genetics, Nature Reviews Molecular Biology, Nucleic Acids Research,
Plasmid, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Science, Trends
in Genetics, Cancer Cell
Graduate Research Training
Full-Time Students
Cheng Liu (1991-1995)
Bibo Li (1993-1996)
Bridget Williams (1997- )
Holly Wyatt (1998- )
Mark Tidwell (1999- )
Hungjian Liaw (2000- )
Immanuel Joseph (2002- )
Rotating Students
Five Rotation Students at Sloan-Kettering Institute (two generating an
authorship based on their work during the rotation: Ke Liu, X. Mao)
Jian Li (MCB rotation student, 1997)
Bridget Williams (Department of Biochemistry rotation student, 1997)-continued
in my lab
Holly Wyatt (MCB rotation student, 1998)--continued in my lab
Kimberly Anderson (Department of Biochemistry rotation student, 1998)
Kelly Johanson (Department of Biochemistry rotation student, 1999)
Mark Tidwell (Department of Biochemistry rotation student, 1999)
H-J Liaw (Department of Biochemistry rotation student, 2000)
Immanuel Joseph (Department of Biochemistry rotation student,2002)
Dien Pham (MCB rotation student, 2002)
Lixin Qi (Departement of Biochemistry rotation student, 2002)
Postdoctoral Training
Gabriele Kyrion, Ph.D (1991-1994)
John Hanish, Ph.D (1995-1996)
Nitsa Rosensweig, Ph.D (1997-1998)
Renata Polotnianka, Ph.D (1997-1999)
Maria Bucholc, Ph.D (1997-1999)
Dingwu Jia (1999-2001)
Greg McCarty (2003-)
Invited Speaker
International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, 1986
University of Rochester, Department of Biochemistry, 1993
CSH Banbury Conference on Telomeres, 1994
FASEB Conference on Yeas t Chromosome Structure and Function, 1994
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Cell Biology,
CSH Banbury Conference on Telomeres and Telomerase, 1996
Symposium for Molecular Biology, Federation of North Texas Area Universities,
Loyola University Department of Biology, 1997
University of Texas at San Antonio, 1997
CSH Meeting on Telomeres and Telomerases, 1999
Environmental Mutation Society, 1999
Dean's Forum for Advances in Research, 1999
Session Chair and Invited Speaker, FASEB Conference on Yeast Chromosome
Structure and Function, 2000.
The Technion, Haifa, Israel, 2002.
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2003
Session Chair and Invited Speaker, Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Telomeres
and Telomerases, 2003
Invited Speaker, St. Louis University, 2003
Genetics Society of America
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
American Society for Microbiology
American Society for Cell Biology