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1. Lustig, A.J. and Petes, T.D. 1986.
Identification of yeast mutants with altered telomere structure. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. 83: 1398-1402. 2. Lustig, A.J., Kurtz, S., and Shore, D. 1990. Involvement of the silencer and UAS binding protein RAP1 in regulation of telomere length. Science 250: 549-553. 3. Lustig, A.J. 1992.
Hoogsteen G-G base pairing is dispensable for telomere healing in yeast.
Nucleic Acids Res. 20: 3021-3028. 4. Kyrion, G., Boakye, K.A., and Lustig, A.J. 1992. C-terminal
truncation of RAP1 results in the deregulation of telomere size, stability
and function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol. Cell. Biol. 12: 5159-5173.
5. Kyrion, G., Liu, K., Liu, C., and Lustig, A.J. 1993. RAP1 and telomere structure regulate telomere position effects in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genes Dev. 7: 1146-1159. 6. Lustig, A.J. and Petes, T.D. 1993. The genetic control of simple sequence
stability in yeast. Genome Analysis 7: 79-106. [invited review] 7. Liu, C., Mao, X., and Lustig, A.J. 1994. Mutational
analysis defines a C-terminal tail domain of RAP1 essential for telomeric
silencing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 118: 1025-1040. 8. Cockell, M. Palladino, F., Laroche, T., Kyrion, G., Liu, C., Lustig, A. J, and Gasser, S. 1995. The Carboxy-termini of SIR4 and RAP1 affect SIR3 localization: Evidence for a multicomponent complex required for telomeric silencing. J. Cell. Biol. 129: 909-924. 9. Liu, C. and Lustig, A. J. 1996. Genetic
analysis of Rap1p/Sir3p interactions in telomeric and HML silencing in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 143: 81-93. 10. Lustig, A., Liu, C., Zhang, C., and Hanish, J. P. 1996. Tethered
Sir3p nucleates silencing at telomeres and internal loci in Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. Mol. Cell. Biol. 16: 2483-2495. 11. Li, B. and Lustig, A. J. 1996. A
novel mechanism for telomere size control in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Genes Dev. 10: 1310-1326. 12. Lustig, A. 1996. Methods in the
analysis of telomere function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. in Microbial
Genome Methods (K. Adolph, ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 37-60
[invited review]. Granted permission for use from 13. Lustig, A. 1997. The identification of telomerase subunits: catalyzing telomere research. Trends Cell. Biol. 7: 299-302. 14. Lustig, A. 1998. DNA
Dynamics: Different Means to a Common End? Current Biology 8: R161-R164
(invited dispatch). 15. Lustig, A. 1998. Mechanisms
of silencing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Curr. Opin. Genet. and Dev.
8: 233-239 (invited review). 16. Polotnianka, R.M., Liu, J. and Lustig, A.J.. 1998. The
yeast Ku heterodimer is essential for protection against nucleolytic and
recombinational activities. Current Biology, 8: 831-834. 17. Park, Y., Hanish, J.. and Lustig, A.J. 1998. Sir3p domains involved in the nucleation of telomeric silencing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 150:977-986. 18. Lustig, A. J. 1999. Crisis
intervention: The role of telomerase. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
96: 3339-3341. 19. Lustig, A. J. 1999. The
kudos of non-homologous end-joining (invited review). Nat. Genet.,
23: 130-131. 20. Park, Y . and Lustig, A.J. 2000. Telomere
structure regulates the heritability of repressed subtelomeric chromatin
in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 154:587-598. 21. Lustig, A.J. 2001.
Cdc13 subcomplexes regulate multiple telomere functions. Nat. Struct.
Biol. 22. Bucholc, M., Park, Y., and Lustig, A. J. 2001.
Intrachromatid excision of telomeric DNA as a mechanism for telomere size
control in S. cerevisiae. Mol. Cell. Biol. 21:6559-6573. 23. Wyatt, H., Liaw, H.,Green, G. R., and Lustig, A.J. 2003 Multiple
role for Saccharomyces cerevisiae histone H2A in telomere position effect,
spt suppression and DSB Repair. Genetics 164: 47-64. 24. Williams, B. and Lustig, A. J. 2003. The paradoxical relationship between NHEJ and telomere fusion. Mol. Cell 11: 1125-1126. 25. Lustig, A. J. 2003. Perspective: Clues to catastrophic telomere loss in mammals from yeast telomere rapid deletion. Nature Reviews Genetics 4: 916-923. 26. Lustig, A.J. 2004. Telomerase RNA: A flexible RNA scaffold for telomerase biosynthesis. Current Biology 14: R565-567. 27. Joseph, I., Jia, D. and Lustig, A. J. 2005. Ndj1p-dependent epigenetic resetting of telomere size in yeast meiosis. Current Biology 15(3): 231-237. 28. Williams, B., Bhattacharyya, M.K., and Lustig, A.J. 2005. Mre11p nuclease activity is dispensable for telomeric rapid deletion. DNA Repair 4: 994-1005.