· The Fringe Calculation
program uses the Payroll/Personnel System (PPS) database location codes to determine
the rate used to calculate the employee’s fringe. The location codes consist of a two(2) position campus component
and a two(2) position employee type component.
The location codes will be updated in the BDS database at the time the
employee’s record is approved for budgeting.
The campus and employee type codes can be found on Screen 300 using the
F1 key (as explained in the Screen 300 section of this manual).
These codes are based on information from both the BDS and PPS
databases. Click here to see links to previous years' rates. Links to the current year's fringe rates follow:
· For fringe calculation purposes, the employee’s base salary will include
all natural accounts except 5241, 5251, 5252, 5253, 5254 and 5511.
Natural accounts 5511 (Moving Expenses) and 5474 (Non-Taxable Stipends) are not included in the fringe
calculation. Natural accounts 5241, 5251, 5252, 5253 and 5254 have
their own rates for fringe calculation.
· FRINGE is NOT calculated on someone w/ZERO
DOLLARS as a BASE SALARY, on natural account 5511, nor on MED SCHOOL Z
Fiscal Year 2012 Fringe Rates:
Uptown Faculty/Administrators 22.65%
Uptown Staff 25.23%
TUHSC Faculty/Administrators 18.61%
TUHSC Physicians 14.99%
TUHSC Staff 27.36%
FPP Wages 3.81%
Faculty Summer Salary 6.56%
Students & Part-Time 5.15%
Taxable Stipends 5.15%
Uptown Faculty/Administrators Base Salary x 0.1650
Uptown Staff Base Salary x 0.2490
TUHSC Faculty/Administrators Base Salary x 0.1960
TUHSC Staff Base Salary x 0.2630
TUHSC Physicians Base Salary x 0.1964
TUNPC Faculty/Administrators Base Salary x 0.1963
TUNPC Staff Base Salary x 0.2630
Student & Part-time Base Salary x 0.0792
FPP Wages FPP Wages x 0.0527
Taxable Stipends Taxable Stipend Amount x 0.0792
Summer Salaries Summer Salary Amount x 0.0602
Uptown Faculty/Administrators Base Salary x 0.2030
Uptown Staff Base Salary x 0.2640
TUHSC Faculty/Administrators Base Salary x 0.2330
TUHSC Staff Base Salary x 0.2480
TUHSC Physicians Base Salary x 0.1590
TUNPC Faculty/Administrators Base Salary x 0.2330
TUNPC Staff Base Salary x 0.2480
Student & Part-time Base Salary x 0.0690
FPP Wages FPP Wages x 0.0440
Taxable Stipends Taxable Stipend Amount x 0.0690
Summer Salaries Summer Salary Amount x 0.0580
Uptown Faculty/Administrators Base Salary x 0.1880
Uptown Staff Base Salary x 0.2560
TUHSC Faculty/Administrators Base Salary x 0.1800
TUHSC Staff Base Salary x 0.2460
TUHSC Physicians Base Salary x 0.1750
TUNPC Faculty/Administrators Base Salary x 0.1800
TUNPC Staff Base Salary x 0.2460
Student & Part-time Base Salary x 0.0520
FPP Wages FPP Wages x 0.0420
Taxable Stipends Taxable Stipend Amount x 0.0520
Summer Salaries Summer Salary Amount x 0.0600
Uptown Faculty/Administrators Base Salary x 0.1900
Uptown Staff Base Salary x 0.2530
TUHSC Faculty/Administrators Base Salary x 0.1500
TUHSC Staff Base Salary x 0.2600
TUHSC Physicians Base Salary x 0.1900
TUNPC Faculty/Administrators Base Salary x 0.1500
TUNPC Staff Base Salary x 0.2600
Student & Part-time Base Salary x 0.0450
FPP Wages FPP Wages x 0.0450
Taxable Stipends Taxable Stipend Amount x 0.0450
Summer Salaries Summer Salary Amount x 0.0620
(Taxable Stipend and Summer Salary Rates were not used for these years)
Uptown Faculty/Administrators Base Salary x 0.2100
Uptown Staff Base Salary x 0.2380
TUHSC Faculty/Administrators Base Salary x 0.2030
TUHSC Staff Base Salary x 0.2390
TUHSC Physicians Base Salary x 0.1460
TUNPC Faculty/Administrators Base Salary x 0.2030
TUNPC Staff Base Salary x 0.2390
Student & Part-time Base Salary x 0.0410
FPP Wages FPP Wages x 0.0430