

Dana Bageon, Southern University of New Orleans, Biology major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Julie Whitbeck, EEO Biology Department
Project: "The Impact of Lead on Buckwheat Plants for the Use of Phytoremediation"

Rose-Ann Blenman, Dillard University, Physics/Computer Science major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Brian Mitchell, Chemical Engineering Department
Project: "Surface Tension of Lead and Aluminum Measured by a Maximum Bubble Pressure Apparatus"

Dionne Brown, Southern University of New Orleans, Biology major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Julie Whitbeck, EEO Biology Department
Project: "The Effects of Lead Accumulation in the Radish Plant and Its Use As an Instrument in Phytoremediation"

Monita Chambers, Xavier University, Biology major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Henry L. Bart, Jr., EEO Biology Department
Project: "Allometric Changes in Fin Proportions in Sunfishes"

Yvette Charles, Southern University at Baton Rouge, Mathematics major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Assaf Abdelghani, Environmental Health Sciences Department
Project: "Confirmation of Extraction and Fractionation Methodologies for the Determination of Organic and Inorganic Arsenic Concentractions in Marine Animal Tissue"

Margeaux Coleman, Xavier University, Biology major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Assaf Abdelghani, Environmental Health Sciences Department
Project: "Development of Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) Methodology for Extraction of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid from Fish Tissue"

Stacey Cox, Dillard University, Computer Science major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Bill Buckles, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
Project: "Identifying Missiles Using Feature Selection Within Digital Image Processing"

Dishili Davis, Dillard University, Pre-Engineering major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Victor Law, Chemical Engineering Department
Project: "The Effects of Waste Water on DEMET"

Pamela Dickerson, Southern University of New Orleans, Biology major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Russell Schmehl, Chemistry Department
Project: "Ligands for the Development of Dye Sensitized Photoelectro-Chemical Cells"

Maria Florez, Tulane University, Biochemistry major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Nancy Hopkins, Pharmacology Department
Project: "The Metabolism of Anti-Malarials by Cytochrome P450"

Renae Garrett, Xavier University, Engineering major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Russell Schmehl, Chemistry Department
Project: "Detecting Metals by Turning on Luminescence"

Marcus Howard, Dillard University, Pre-Engineering/Physics major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Ronaldo Luna, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
Project: "Digital Image Analysis for Soil/Fiber Materials Specimen Preparation and Evaluation"

Toni Johnson, Xavier University, Chemistry/Pre-Med major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Victor Law, Chemical Engineering Department
Project: "Regeneration of Hydrotreating Catalysts"

Daymond Lavine, Xavier University, Physics/Engineering major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Ulrike Diebold, Physics Department
Project: "Surface Science and the Construction of a Sulfur Source"

Rheneisha Mable, Xavier University, Biology major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Henry L. Bart, Jr., EEO Biology Department
Project: "Effects of Streamflow Variability on Fin Size Traits in a Pelagic Minnow"

Kanina Norwood, Tulane University, Computer Science major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Bill Buckles, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
Project: "Probability and L-Systems"

Michelle Perkins, Xavier University, Biology major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Assaf Abdelghani, Environmental Health Sciences Department
Project: "Determination of the Short Term Toxicity Effects of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid and Monosodium Methanearsonate Individually and in Combination on Freshwater Channel Catfish Ictalauras punctatus"

Derek Russ, Dillard University, Engineering major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Brian Mitchell, Chemical Engineering Department
Project: "Recycling of Glass Fibers from Electronic Circuit Boards"

Keisha Smith, Xavier University, Biology major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Nancy Hopkins, Pharmacology Department
Project: "The Metabolism of Anti-Malarials by Cytochrome P450"

Jessica Tyler, Dillard University, Pre-Engineering major
Tulane Mentor: Dr. Ronaldo Luna, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
Project: "Digital Image Analysis for Soil/Fiber Materials Specimen Preparation and Evaluation"

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