Tulane LS-LAMP Staff
Dr. Michael Cunningham
Associate Professor and LS-LAMP Campus Coordinator
Department of Psychology
3016 Percival Stern Hall
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA 70118
(504) 862-3308
E-mail: mcunnin1@tulane.edu
Eric Roque
Senior Program Coordiantor
Tulane University LS-LAMP
605 Lindy Boggs Building
New Orleans, LA 70118
(504) 314-7692; Fax: (504) 865-6768
E-mail: eroque@tulane.edu
For more information please contact the Tulane University
LS-LAMP office:
605 Lindy Boggs Building - Uptown Campus
New Orleans, LA 70118
Phone: (504) 314-7692
Fax: (504) 865-6768
Email: eroque@tulane.edu