Tulane STEM Department Information
Biochemistry (504-988-5291; implant@tulane.edu)
Biomedical Engineering (504-865-5897; bmen-info@tulane.edu)
Biostatistics (504-988-5164; sgautie@tulane.edu)
Cell and Molecular Biology (504-865-5546; cmb@tulane.edu)
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (504-865-5772; chemeng@tulane.edu)
Chemistry (504-865-5573; lcheval@tulane.edu)
Earth and Environmental Sciences (504-865-5198)
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (504-865-5191)
Environmental Health Sciences (504-988-5374; egeary@tulane.edu)
Epidemiology (504-988-6809; tcarter1@tulane.edu)
Mathematics (504-865-5727)
Microbiology and Immunology (504-988-5150)
Molecular and Cellular Biology (Interdisciplinary) (504-865-5546; cmb@tulane.edu)
Neuroscience (504-862-3305)
Tropical Medicine (504-988-3558)
Pharmacology (504-988-5444; cclarks@tulane.edu)
Physics (504-865-5520)
Physiology (504-988-5251)
For more information please contact the Tulane University
LS-LAMP office:
605 Lindy Boggs Building - Uptown Campus
New Orleans, LA 70118
Phone: (504) 314-7692
Fax: (504) 865-6768
Email: eroque@tulane.edu