All contributions to SAFER are tax-deductible under the 501c(3) status of the Phoenix of New Orleans. If you wish to make a donation to SAFER please make your check out
to 'Phoenix of New Orleans' with 'SAFER' in the memo of the check. Please include a
letter stating the purpose of your donation as well as what (if any) specific
projects you would like the donation to be reserved for. Please address mail
SAFER c/o: Jim Coningsby
310 South Broad Street
New Orleans, LA 70119
A receipt and thank you letter will be mailed to the return address provided. If requested, the appropriate tax information and documentation for your
deduction will also be included in our response.
Also, if you prefer, donations may be made online by clicking below...
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Please take the time to read about Margarita Rounds and learn how you can help
her return home and retire by clicking here.