Miscellaneous Voyager Cataloging Module Tips:

Printing, Checking Font, Checking Record History, Viewing Line Items, Closing Windows

Printing Checking record history Closing windows
Clarity of font Viewing line items

  1. Printing records:

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  2. Clarity of font:

    The clarity of the font in your Voyager display may be affected by a number of factors:

    If the display is bothering you, you can check with Peter for help in adjusting it as much as possible.  Some people have found it helpful to increase the size of the font.

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  3. Checking record history:

    To check when or by whom a record was created or updated in Voyager:

    The date and time of record creation and the latest update are always listed, together with the operator's name, the cataloging location, and the type of action (currently just "create" or "update").  The encoding level, when available, and whether the record has been suppressed from OPAC or not should also display.

    If the latest update occurred since the installation of Voyager 2000 on 10 July 2001, any intermediate revision that was made just before the latest update will also be listed.  Any previous intermediate revision (e.g., the first of 3 updates) made since July 2001 will also be listed.

    Please note that this history does not give information on:

    Please note:  Because each instance of "boating" a record is now listed in the record history, repeated "boating" should be done only when a change has actually been made since the record was last "boated."

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  4. Viewing line items -- "Acq in the Cat"

    As of Voyager 2000, provided that you have authorization to view Acquisitions Module records, it is possible to view a line item that is associated with a particular bib or holdings record in the Cataloging module.  To do so:

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  5. Closing windows:

    Each time that you call up a record in Voyager, you are actually opening a window.  Until you close that window or exit Voyager, it remains open.  To avoid confusion, and because there is a limit (based on size) to the number of open windows that the system can tolerate, it is helpful to close unneeded windows.  Periodically, you may want to close all open windows.

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HTML document last reviewed:  14 July 2001