| | TUCAN is Tulane's privately owned and operated cable TV system. All students who live on the uptown campus have a free cable television outlet in their residence hall rooms. Several classrooms and departments are also wired for cable TV. TUCAN is also available at the Tulane Medical School downtown campus in the Hutchinson Complex (Med Center) and in the Tidewater building. (For information on cable-equiped classrooms at the Medical School contact Facilities Services at 588-5424 or 584-2495.) TUCAN currently carriesy 54 channels of programming, from standard broadcast and cable channels to SCOLA (foreign news programming) and a student channel, TSTV (Tulane Student Television). The Video Bulletin Board channel carries announcements, free of charge, for all Tulane academic and administrative departments and recognized student organizations. TUCAN also carries special programming, including live, interactive teleconferences, on a per request basis. If you are having technical problems, want to install a cable drop, want to post a message on the Video Bulletin Board, want to downlink a special program, or have any questions about TUCAN, please contact: | Help Desk: (504) 862-8888 fax: (504) 862-8087 e-mail: tucan@tulane.edu | Derek Toten Director, Instructional Media Suite 103 Central Building Phone: (504) 862-8594 e-mail: derek@tulane.edu | | Tulane University Cable Television Network Technology Services Suite 103 Central Building New Orleans, Louisiana 70118 (504) 862-8594 · (fax) 862-8087 tucan@tulane.edu | | | | |