Document sections
- Introduction:
This set of instructions is written for users of
the OCLC Connexion Client. For users of the OCLC Connexion
Browser, the procedures are different at the OCLC (exporting) end.
For some basic information on working in OCLC, see
"OCLC Connexion
Client: Lists of Commands."
- Basic importing
These procedures are written for importing a
single record when there is no existing record in Alma. See also
procedures on "Replacing records," for overlaying
procedures, and "Batch importing," for importing multiple records.
- Search Alma to make
sure that there is no existing, duplicate record.
- Export the record from
OCLC Connexion:
- Make sure that your
export profile has been set up correctly in OCLC. (If you are not
sure, check with
- Display the record to
be exported.
- Use the Export
- The OCLC system should
respond in the Status bar, towards the lower left-hand corner, by adding
"C" after "Export."
- You should get a pop-up
- Make any necessary
editing changes to the record.
- Save the record to the
to top of this document
- Replacing records:
Follow the "Basic
importing procedures" except:
- Search Alma to make
sure that the only existing, duplicate record is the one that you want to
overlay. If necessary, add the matching record number or edit the
number to match, to permit overlay:
- Bib record: Add an 035
field with the matching OCLC record number or edit an existing 035 with
OCLC number.
If there are problems, contact your supervisor.
to top of this document
- Import/Replace Profile:
Possible settings for the Bibliographic
Import/Replace Profile:
creation of duplicate records; no overlay of matching records
Blackwell approval tapes
Allows creation of duplicate records; no overlay of matching records
duplicate records; prevents either creation of duplicates or overlay
overlay of matching records
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- Default import folder: If you set your default import folder up, when
you select the Import records From new file option, the oclcxpo.dat
file will display immediately. (You can check with your supervisor
for help with setting this default up.)
to top of this document
- Batch importing: Possible ways of calling up records, depending
on workflow:
- Calling up entire
series of records:
[see also "Retrieving
Voyager Records: Retrieving multiple entries"]
- Note: Closing
each bib or holdings record after it has been added to the database will
prevent a cumbersome build-up in the Window file.
to top of this document
- Control number fields in OCLC record: 019 and 035
- 019: Can be left in
the OCLC bib record.
For treatment of the record number in the piece,
see "The Physical Piece: NOTIS
record number."
to top of this document
- Problems with imported
records not being deleted:
Occasionally, imported records are not deleted from
the Import Record file after they are no longer needed there. Possible
reasons include:
- Duplicate copies of the
same record imported.

- From the File
menu in the upper-left-hand corner, select Delete.
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HTML document last reviewed: 09 September 2022