This is an information only screen. It lists all employees, group or vacant position salaries budgeted to a specific account. This screen is automatically updated when entries are made in other interrelated screens (e.g. Screen 400). You will see only the account information you are authorized to update/view. To go to Screen 200, move your cursor to the SCREEN => field and:

- Type 200 and press ENTER/RETURN.

Figure F-1: Account Salary Information Screen

You will see Screen 200 - ACCOUNT SALARY INFORMATION screen (See Fig. F-1, above). Screen 200 shows all of the employee/position salary information for a specific account. All salary information is displayed in salary natural account numerical order. Employees are listed by last name and/or position description within each natural account. For each employee/position listed, the CURRENT YEAR and NEXT YEAR salary information is displayed.

The CURRENT YEAR salary information consists of the ORIG (ORIGINAL) budgeted salary, CUR ANN salary and the % DIST (DISTRIBUTION) to your selected account. The ORIG salary is the approved budgeted salary for the current fiscal year. The CUR ANN salary is the current payroll salary. You cannot directly update the CUR ANN salary information in BDS. The Payroll database updates the CUR ANN salary information every time Payroll downloads into BDS. Also, the CUR ANN salary may differ from ORIG salary only if changes were approved and made during the current fiscal year. The % DIST is the distribution of total salary to the specific account and natural account combination.

The NEXT YEAR salary information shows future budgeted salary. The PROPOSED salary is the budgeted salary for the new fiscal year. FRINGE automatically calculates based on salary amount, the applicable federal and state laws and the position's years of employment. The % DIFF (DIFFERENCE) is calculated as follows: (NEXT YEAR PROPOSED salary minus CURRENT YEAR ORIG salary = SALARY INCREASE<DECREASE>) divided by the CURRENT YEAR ORIG salary.

You have four(4) different ways to view your TAMS Organization's account information:

DETAIL (F10) - This option displays each budgeted position in your account. The information is shown alphabetically, in natural account numerical order.

SUBTOTALS (F11) - This option displays budgeted salary information by natural account subtotals, in natural account numerical order, for the selected account. Also, the selected account's total salary amount appears at the end of the natural account subtotals.

RECAP (F12) - This option displays budgeted salary information totals for your selected account. It compares your NEXT YEAR PROPOSED salary to your NEXT YEAR TARGET BUDGET and calculates the DIFFERENCE. Your NEXT YEAR TARGET BUDGET is last fiscal year's budgeted salaries plus any merit increases, salary grade adjustments, etc.

The fourth option will allow you to view a specific natural account's activity within your account's total salary activity. BDS will display only the salary information contained in the specified object code by DETAIL, SUBTOTALS and RECAP.

To display all of your account's salary information:

- Press TAB to move the cursor to the SELECT ** ACCOUNT ** NUMBER: field.

- Type your six(6) digit Account Number and press F10/F11/F12.

To display a specific natural account's salary information:

- Press TAB to move the cursor to the SELECT ** ACCOUNT ** NUMBER: field.

- Press TAB again to move the cursor to the SELECT NATL ACCT: field.

- Type the desired four(4) digit salary Natural Account and press F10/F11/F12.

Your account's name will appear to the right of your account number. You can scroll DOWN (F8) and UP (F7) to view all of your account's salary information. When you've reached the end of the list, the message: "END OF RECORDS FOR SELECTED ACCOUNT AND NATURAL ACCOUNT!" appears on the bottom of your screen. Likewise, when you've reached the beginning of the list, the message: "FIRST RECORD FOR SELECTED ACCOUNTS/NATL ACCT IS ALREADY DISPLAYING!" appears on your screen.

If you wish to see a particular employee/position's salary distribution, follow this procedure:

- Use your DOWN ARROW to move the cursor to the line containing the desired position. When your cursor reaches the desired position's line, use your LEFT/RIGHT ARROW to move the cursor over on the line, directly under a letter in the name or a figure in the CURRENT ORIG dollar amount.

- Press F4 to move to Screen 300 - EMPLOYEE INFORMATION screen.

- Press F9 to move to Screen 400 - EMPLOYEE SALARY UPDATE screen.

BDS will carry the selected employee/position to Screen 300 and/or 400, where you can begin budgeting your account's salary information.

Other Function Keys Available on This Screen:

F1 - HELP. This function key displays an explanation of all fields on this screen.

F3 - MAIN. This function key will bring you to the BDS MAIN MENU screen.

To the Table of Contents/To Screen 001 Section