This is an updateable screen. It displays an account's budgeted salary and non-salary information. The budgeted information is displayed by account, natural account, natural account description and dollar and percent differences. This screen allows you to view the current year's budgeted and revised salary and non-salary information and enter next year's proposed budget non-salary information only. To go to Screen 401, move your cursor to the SCREEN => field:

- Type 401 and press ENTER/RETURN.

Figure J-1: Non-Salary Update/Acct Summary Screen

You will see Screen 401 - NON-SALARY UPDATE/ACCT SUMMARY screen (See Fig. J-1, above). Your cursor is automatically positioned on the ACCT NUM: field. To display an account's non-salary information:

- Type the six(6) digit ACCOUNT number and press ENTER/RETURN.

Note: The BDS Security Table will allow you to view only those accounts that are part of your authorized TAMS Organization(s). If you are not authorized to view an account, you will see the following messages at the bottom of your screen: "YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR THIS ACCT. CORRECT AND PRESS ENTER."

Screen 401 shows all of the account's information in natural account numerical order. The updateable information will appear highlighted on the screen. There may be up to nine(9) natural account records for each account on one(1) page. If the natural account distribution is on more than one page, you may view the next page by pressing F8 (DOWN). Pressing F7 (UP) will return you to the previous page of the non-salary information record. For each NATL (NATURAL ACCOUNT) listed, the DESC (DESCRIPTION), CURR (CURRENT) YEAR BUDGET and NEXT YEAR BUDGET information is displayed.

Note: Salary and fringe natural accounts appear in summary on this screen. However, these natural accounts are not updateable on this screen. They are displayed as information only items to provide you with an account's total activity.

The CURR YEAR account information consists of the ORIG (ORIGINAL) and REVISED amounts. The ORIG amount is the approved budget for the current fiscal year. The REVISED amount is the current compiled amount. You cannot directly update the REVISED information in BDS. The TAMS database updates the REVISED information every time TAMS   downloads into BDS. Also, the REVISED amount may differ from ORIG amount only if changes were approved and made during the current fiscal year.

The NEXT YEAR account information shows future budgeted amounts. The PROPOSED amount is the budget for the new fiscal year. $ DIFF (DOLLAR DIFFERENCE) and % DIFF (PERCENT DIFFERENCE) are automatically calculated. The $ DIFF is equal to the PROPOSED minus the ORIG and the % DIFF is equal to the $ DIFF divided by the ORIG budget amount.

There are two(2) different methods used to budget NEXT YEAR non-salary information on this screen. You may use one or a combination of methods depending on the type and amount of information you have available. An account's future non-salary budget may be entered:

  1. As a Percent Increase/Decrease and/or
  2. Manually.

1. As a Percent Increase/Decrease:

Note: You can't use this method to calculate NEXT YEAR's BUDGET amount if the CURRENT YEAR ORIG is zero and/or this is a new account. The figure must be numeric, range from 0 to 99 and may include up to two(2) decimal places. If a zero percent is entered, there is no change and the CURRENT YEAR ORIG amount is automatically entered into NEXT YEAR's PROPOSED amount for those accounts you are authorized to update.

- Press TAB, move the cursor to the REV/EXP CHANGE: field.

Note: The amount entered in the PROPOSED field is determined by the account's revenue/expense code attributes (e.g. Ledger 1 amounts will be negative, Ledger 2 amounts will be positive). When the account may take revenue and expense activity (e.g. Ledger 3), you must enter the minus sign (-) when entering revenue and/or contra-expense amounts (e.g. Cost Recovery). Otherwise, BDS defaults to a positive amount when an account is capable of processing more than one type of activity.

- Type the percent and press TAB once to move to the "_ <=" field.

Note: BDS automatically defaults to I (INCREASE) in the next field. However, if a 0% change is entered, no entry is required in this field.

- Press F9. (Updates only the displayed account record.)

Note: Using the 0% method will clear any previously budgeted amounts on the displayed record. If you want to budget another natural account, you should use the 0% method first and then manually add the other natural account line(s).

The PROPOSED amount, $ DIFF and % DIFF will appear in the NEXT YEAR section of the screen, for all authorized accounts with CURRENT YEAR ORIG amounts. The $ DIFF and % DIFF will automatically calculate using this budgeting method. The screen will display the following message: "PRESS F10 TO CONFIRM REVENUE/EXPENSE PERCENT CHANGE OR F4 TO CANCEL." Only the current displayed record has been updated. You must press F10 to update the BDS database or F4 to cancel the update.

- Press F10 to confirm the update to the BDS database or F4 to cancel the update.

The screen will display the following message: "ACCOUNT RECORD SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED." You may change the updated BDS record, as often as required, by following the procedures outlined above. Remember, the last update confirmed is the one stored in BDS. If F4 was chosen, the screen will erase the displayed effects of the update and return to the original record.

2. Manually enter NEXT YEAR'S PROPOSED budget amount:

You can enter whole dollars in NEXT YEAR's PROPOSED field for all accounts you are authorized to access. The amount must be numeric and in whole dollars. You can manually enter budget information for a new or existing account.

A. To enter non-salary information for a "new" account:

- Press F9, to remove the blank lines from the screen.

- Press TAB, move the cursor to the blank NATL line.

- Type the four(4) digit NATURAL ACCOUNT number and press TAB.

Note: Screen 510 (NATURAL ACCOUNT INFORMATION) will display the acceptable information for this updateable field.

The cursor automatically positions on the first available place in NEXT YEAR's PROPOSED field. The amount you enter on this line must be numeric and in whole dollars. Do not insert dollar signs, commas and/or cents. To enter the proposed budget amount for your account:

- Type the desired amount and press F9 (Updates only the displayed account record).

The PROPOSED amount, $ DIFF and % DIFF will appear in the NEXT YEAR section of the screen. The $ DIFF and % DIFF will automatically calculate using this budgeting method. The screen will display the following message: "PRESS F10 TO CONFIRM REVENUE/EXPENSE PERCENT CHANGE OR F4 TO CANCEL." Only the current displayed record has been updated. You must press F10 to update the BDS database or F4 to cancel the update.

- Press F10 to confirm the update to the BDS database or F4 to cancel the update.

The screen will display the following message: "ACCOUNT RECORD SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED." You may change the updated BDS record, as often as required, by following the procedures outlined above. Remember, the last update confirmed is the one stored in BDS. If F4 was chosen, the screen will erase the displayed effects of the update and return to the original record.

B. To enter non-salary information for an "existing" account:

-Press TAB, move the cursor to the desired "_" (underscore) field immediately to the left of the desired natural account number.

- Type the letter u (update).

The cursor automatically positions on the first available place in NEXT YEAR's PROPOSED field. The amount you enter on this line must be numeric and in whole dollars. Do not insert dollar signs, commas and/or cents. To enter the proposed budget for your account:

- Type the desired amount and press F9 (Updates only the displayed account record).

The PROPOSED amount, $ DIFF and % DIFF will appear in the NEXT YEAR section of the screen. The $ DIFF and % DIFF will automatically calculate using this budgeting method. The screen will display the following message: "PRESS F10 TO CONFIRM REVENUE/EXPENSE PERCENT CHANGE OR F4 TO CANCEL." Only the current displayed record has been updated. You must press F10 to update the BDS database or F4 to cancel the update.

- Press F10 to confirm the update to the BDS database or F4 to cancel the update.

The screen will display the following message: "ACCOUNT RECORD SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED." You may change the updated BDS record, as often as required, by following the procedures outlined above. Remember, the last update confirmed is the one stored in BDS. If F4 was chosen, the screen will erase the displayed effects of the update and return to the original record.

Other Options Available on This Screen

You can add a new natural account to an existing account distribution. To add the new natural account:

- Press TAB, move the cursor to the blank line immediately below the NATL (NATURAL ACCOUNT) field, near the middle of the screen.

-Type your four(4) digit NATURAL ACCOUNT number.

Your cursor will automatically position on the line immediately below the PROPOSED field, under the NEXT YEAR BUDGET section of the screen. The amount you enter in this field must be numeric and in whole dollars. To add natural account information to the record:

- Type the desired amount and press F9 (Updates only the displayed account record).

The PROPOSED amount, $ DIFF and % DIFF will appear in the NEXT YEAR section of the screen. The $ DIFF and % DIFF will automatically calculate using this budgeting method. The screen will display the following message: "PRESS F10 TO CONFIRM REVENUE/EXPENSE PERCENT CHANGE OR F4 TO CANCEL." Only the current displayed record has been updated. You must press F10 to update the BDS database or F4 to cancel the update.

- Press F10 to confirm the update to the BDS database or F4 to cancel the update.

The screen will display the following message: "ACCOUNT RECORD SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED." You may change the updated BDS record, as often as required, by following the procedures outlined above. Remember, the last update confirmed is the one stored in BDS. If F4 was chosen, the screen will erase the displayed effects of the update and return to the original record.

Other Function Key(s) Available On This Screen:

F1 - HELP. This function key displays an explanation of all fields on this screen.

F3 - MAIN. This function key will bring you to the BDS MAIN MENU screen.

F4 - CANCEL. This function key will eliminate any changes you made to a displayed account's field(s) before the information is transferred to the BDS database. This function returns the displayed information back to the last information update made in BDS.

To the Table of Contents/To Screen 001 Section