This is an information only screen. It displays all of the current natural accounts available for use during the budgeting process. To go to Screen 510, move your cursor to the SCREEN => field:

- Type 510 and press ENTER/RETURN.

Figure M-1: Natural Account Information Screen

You will see Screen 510 - NATURAL ACCOUNT INFORMATION screen (See Fig. M-1, above). You can SCROLL DOWN (F8) and SCROLL UP (F7) to view all of the valid BDS natural accounts in descending, numerical order. If you are looking for a specific natural account and you know approximately the range in which the natural account can be found, you can use the search feature (VIEW NATL-ACCT: ****). To use the search function:

- Type the known numbers (e.g. 2***, 21**) and press ENTER/RETURN.

The screen displays the natural accounts in descending, numerical order, starting with the natural account closest to the one you specified in the VIEW NATL-ACCT: **** field. When you have reached the end of the list, the message: "END OF FILE HAS BEEN REACHED" will appear on the bottom of your screen. Likewise, when you have reached the beginning of the list, the message: "TOP OF FILE HAS BEEN REACHED" will appear on your screen.

Note: If you notice that a natural account is missing or you need a new natural account, please contact the Budget Office at (504)-865-5353 (off campus) and extension #5353 (on campus) for assistance.

Other Function Keys Available on This Screen:

F3 - MAIN. This function key will bring you to the BDS MAIN MENU screen.

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