Spring / Fall 2011 Project Descriptions
Please click on the project title to view project description and requirements.
Dr. Taby Ahsan, Biomedical Engineering
Effect Of Oscillatory Shear Stress On Stem Cell Differentiation
Dr. Paul J. Colombo, Psychology and Program in Neuroscience
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Laboratory
Dr. WT Godbey, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Expression-Targeted Gene Therapy For Cancer Cell Death
Dr. Janarthanan Jayawickramarajah, Chemistry
Synthetically Functionalized DNA-Oligonucleotides for Protein Binding
Dr. Vijay John, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Nanocarriers for Transcutaneous Vaccine Delivery
Dr. Zhiqiang Mao, Physics and Engineering Physics
Study of metal-insulator transitions of strongly correlated oxides for bolometric detection
Dr. Laurie T. O’Brien, Psychology
Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination
Dr. Wang Yu-Ping, Biomedical Engineering
Classification of Chromosomes Using Multi-Color Image Analysis
Please submit all application documents for review to:
Eric Roque
LS-LAMP Program
605 Lindy Boggs Building
2) Letter of Recommendation from a faculty member or advisor
3) Copy of your most recent undergraduate transcript
For more information please contact the Tulane University
LS-LAMP office:
605 Lindy Boggs Building - Uptown Campus
New Orleans, LA 70118
Phone: (504) 314-7692
Fax: (504) 865-6768